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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lurch

  1. Party that enables grifters gets overrun by grifters. Hate to see it
  2. Red flags wouldn’t want to associate with that one
  3. I’ve been disappointed with just about every pre 2000 movie I’ve rewatched. $100M+ budgets don’t make for a good movie, but they sure cover a lot of blemishes.
  4. I just cracked open the Fruity Pebbles and it’s dead on. Strong recommend
  5. I've not been paying attention to Fat, but i've got a ton of history in LoseIt and it shows me in the 75-100g per day range most days. I grabbed some mixed nuts from Costco that I can use to fill in if I'm coming up short any days.
  6. The primary reason I'm coming up short is that Im in a 1000/day calorie deficit. I'm only getting 1600-2000 calories a day on days when I just do the elliptical and its hard to find 185g there with my regular meals. I typically get 10-20g from breakfast, 50g from lunch and then another 10-30g from dinner. I'm going to see how it goes inserting a mid-morning and mid-afternoon shake. Sadly, it means I'll have to cut calories elsewhere and/or add more exercise to stay on track with my calorie deficit. I ordered several different flavors of Dymatize ISO100. 25g at 120kcal.
  7. 210 unlocked. All of my 42” and 40” pants and shorts are gone. 38”s need a belt and 36” is comfortable. BMI is officially “healthy” rather than “overweight”. Adding protein powder to my diet somehow because I’m coming in at an avg of 85g daily rather than my 150-200g target 25 lbs until my target by mid-June … 13 weeks left Stick to the plan
  8. #17 can be argued as gimmicky, but not Sawgrass as a whole. It’s a tremendous course.
  9. That comment can be found in here https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/03/12/raj-shah-fox-trump/
  10. The only time I see fast play is when there is a room bonus at stake (high hands, bad beat jackpots, etc) and the more hands you see the better your odds of winning. If not that, perhaps they’re hoping weaker players will get sucked into playing fast, too, and be more inclined to make mistakes as a result. I could see that working if a table full of regs were on the same page.
  11. That was what they were saying last night.
  12. I swear they have a Wheel of Grievances they just spin whenever they need filler.
  13. It’s quite literally his course. I got to play it like 2010 or and he was putting in on #6 while we were teeing off right next to him on #1. /csb
  14. I remember Falconhead touting that it was built to Tour specs (whatever that means) in hopes of getting an event one day. As for UT Golf Club, can you imagine the traffic shitshow an event in Steiner would cause?! Austin Golf Club could probably pull it off. Plenty of land for parking, tough course and presumably flexible membership since there’s only like 200 of them locally.
  15. Our small software co was bought by a giant. We then rehired an employee from way back. After two weeks waiting for his background check to clear, we found out the holdup was our own HR validating his employment with us. Brilliant.
  16. I’m starting to think his everything app will just be a cyber petard hoister.
  17. I probably watch more than most and still didn’t really know anything about Joel Dahman before Full Swing. Really hoping he gets into some late Sundays this year
  18. Jay was asked about the future of match play on the Tour and he’s clearly an advocate. It will be back somewhere, just not in 2024
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