I believe the prevailing theory is that an excellent pro maxes out at about 20 big blinds per hour as an average over 1000+ hours. So, if you were willing to put in 40 hrs a week playing $2/5 (and had access to games that paid you that well throughout, Ie not nit games at 2pm on Tuesdays), you could expect to pull $200k year. To play $2/5, you want max buyin on the table, which can be anywhere from $500 to $1500. It’s $800 here in Jax. Your bankroll always needs to be more than 20 max buyins due to variance, so you’d want a starting bankroll of $15-30k at least. Probably double that to account for the inevitable swing of you playing bad (not just variance) $500k target would probably require you to very carefully select your games when picking your 40 hours (Ie 2am at a casino w a club) to try to pull it off at $2/5 Of course $5/10 or $10/25 will certainly pay a pro better, but obviously your competitors will be significantly better too. I’d guess these guys play a very whale-dependent schedule and your ability to get into those games is probably slim.