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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lurch

  1. I should have saved all of those “I did this” stickers I kept peeling off pumps
  2. I wasn’t old enough to understand the atmosphere around the Nixon pardon, but I would absolutely lose it if Biden even floated the idea
  3. Lurch


    We know. We get it. It’s the insistence to keep telling current fans everything wrong with what they enjoy that gets old. It’s basically Derka’ing a music thread.
  4. Just keep doing that…
  5. I picked him up but benched him. Karma still got me anyway by crippling Lamar
  6. Labor shortage doesn’t seem to have an answer on the horizon. Retirements accelerated and there no backfill readily available.
  7. Posting on the bird site isn’t standing on the line when every view/click is funding the problem.
  8. Lolwat Is it also illegal for security to check bag tickets at airport baggage claim? Or ushers to check tickets at movie theaters and stadiums?
  9. Im such a sucker for comments like this https://www.espn.com/golf/story/_/id/35138488/tiger-woods-had-two-more-wreck-related-surgeries-22
  10. Damn. I just want to see him and Charlie at the PNC
  11. Might the admins be willing to give it a shot? Ie: Preview Mastodon posts as we currently do for tweets I’m not sure if it’s even possible, but would be cool to have if so https://mastodon.social/@austinkocher/109422627819603346
  12. Lurch


    New song released, album and tour announced https://metallica.lnk.to/LuxAeterna?fbclid=IwAR3MCq1vJmCr531dUIqh2dejrxHQWAChtqHfbDH2SlC3ePrvo0wgN7d2zCM
  13. There’s just no way this is actually true.
  14. Several people have posted it on their support page. Like us, it stopped a few weeks ago. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/tapatalksupport/mobile-app-f93/
  15. Welp, the next hour until kickoff should give us enough time to decode how/why you ended up posting a screenshot of your image directory Thatsnothowanyofthisworks.gif
  16. Quotes for truth Suck it bitches, can’t debate it now
  17. I’ve been surprised. Every manufacturer has a pretty good start and it looks like 2023 will see a flood of new fully electric models. Tesla is in trouble, imo. As shitty as the US dealer model is for consumers, it will be a huge advantage once EV availability is no longer an issue. The 50+ year olds will be buying their first EVs from the same guy that sold them their last half dozen cars.
  18. I’ve fried a Turkey for the last 10+ years. Decided to smoke one with Cherry wood this morning and it was fanfuckingtastic. Not sure I’ll go back to fried
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