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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lurch

  1. You see, he’s a defensive minded coach
  2. Uuuuhhhhhmmmm. I’m back to thinking she did it
  3. Working well for me in Florida
  4. That’s awesome. Someone had to test to see if embedded butt plugs would trip a metal detector
  5. That’s what we’re looking to have happen by jacking rates, right?
  6. Really messed up. Glad you’re all good
  7. $2/5. UTG1 limp. BTN (unknown young dude w $1500 behind) makes it $25. I’ve only been in a few orbits and have seen him do anything. Decide on just a call w AdQd in SB ($725 behind). UTG1 joins. $80 pot. AcTc8h. Checks to BTN who $100. I call, UTG1 folds. $280 pot. 8d. Check, call $200. $680 pot. 3s. Check, he jams. Call $400 or fold?
  8. That’s awesome. Our lacrosse coach last year had to “fire” the sideline score keeper because she wouldn’t stop yelling at the kids mid play. She was giving contradictory instruction from the actual coaches and just generally being insufferable. She then sent a group message that she’d no longer be sharing her game pictures of the team. Many chuckles were had. /csb
  9. Seattle D (vs NO) or Rams D (vs Dallas)? Projections all say Rams, but the matchups seem to scream Seattle. I’m leaning Seattle.
  10. And THAT particular show and player?!?! Like robbing a bank while detectives are there working a prior robbery
  11. I don’t think she cheated, so not really. Postlegate was of course VERY concerning, but I think that put everyone on notice to look for out of line play. I’ve watched tons of hours of streams since and no one seems to god mode like Postle was. In hindsight, he was actually pretty fucking obvious. All that said, I’ve had too many players in regular games comment about my play on streams and it makes me question playing them much more. Some of these dudes are clearly studying live stream players for tendencies.
  12. Lurch

    NFL Week 5

    Sam is getting in this game. Just a matter of when
  13. That would suck. These live stream games are very good for business.
  14. The rarely-seen-in-wild triple negative!
  15. If he spikes those cards and wins, he doesn’t think she’s cheating via the method that lets her know the runout, so he may be more inclined to stay, but it does not remove the possibility that she knows his cards, so it would still be questionable to stay. Of course, Rip made that moot. In the moment his suspicions were totally reasonable. I would guess by now he knows better.
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