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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lurch

  1. Lurch

    NFL Week 5

  2. Lurch

    NFL Week 5

    Well, fuck.
  3. And THAT particular show and player?!?! Like robbing a bank while detectives are there working a prior robbery
  4. I don’t think she cheated, so not really. Postlegate was of course VERY concerning, but I think that put everyone on notice to look for out of line play. I’ve watched tons of hours of streams since and no one seems to god mode like Postle was. In hindsight, he was actually pretty fucking obvious. All that said, I’ve had too many players in regular games comment about my play on streams and it makes me question playing them much more. Some of these dudes are clearly studying live stream players for tendencies.
  5. Lurch

    NFL Week 5

    Sam is getting in this game. Just a matter of when
  6. That would suck. These live stream games are very good for business.
  7. Looks to be this kid
  8. The rarely-seen-in-wild triple negative!
  9. I agree, Koko
  10. So does Bart
  11. If he spikes those cards and wins, he doesn’t think she’s cheating via the method that lets her know the runout, so he may be more inclined to stay, but it does not remove the possibility that she knows his cards, so it would still be questionable to stay. Of course, Rip made that moot. In the moment his suspicions were totally reasonable. I would guess by now he knows better.
  12. This fucking guy
  13. In the Lodge stream last night they played the J4 game rather than 72
  14. I’ve moved to the she wasn’t cheating camp. I think she’s just illogical in her perceived playing beef with GA and she took a stand in the worst possible way and luckboxed into a win. I think GA is inclined to think a play at this level is either dumb, logical or cheating, and he knows she’s not dumb, leaving cheating as the only option. In the heat of it, he thought he was being scammed and snap called her offer to repay. He’s probably regretting it now. I’d guess he gives it back and they try to put this behind them quietly
  15. I think he processed it almost immediately, which in itself is kind of amazing! I think most of us would cycle through embarrassment, laughing and confusion before starting to realize there’s no possible line that her play makes sense. He takes like 2 seconds to identify it
  16. Greatest live player ever… also doesn’t know how to thread tweets
  17. Incredible play
  18. Keep in mind we want a small, breathing fire, not a large choking fire (which produces dirty smoke) I start a very small fire in front, upper left of the firebox. The fire will work back, down and right. I only leave the lid open 5-10 mins to ensure the FEW coals I’ve placed on top of my fire starter are well lit. Then I close the lid and and leave top and bottom wide open. As it nears 150* I’ll put in the last smoking chunk near the fire (others had been buried so they light later in the cook), add the deflector plates, water pan, grill grates and temp probe on grate. I shut the lid as quickly as I can, as the fire can jump quickly with the lid open. I’ll then close both vents halfway. When it gets to 200* I’ll close the bottom to about pinky-tip wide (YMMV) and the top is equally closed but will be where I fine tune from here on as I close in on 225* slowly. This generally gives me excellent control over my temps even a fair bit below 225* I’d not put my food on until the fire is clean and I’m well in control of the temp. Keep in mind, once you put on that cold meat, the temp is going to be suspect for a bit. Avoid the temptation to make big changes for the next hour or so. When I first started I’d panic and think my temp was falling so I’d open up vents, then once the meat warmed up suddenly my grill temp would jump dramatically. In reality, the grill temp was good and that cold meat was just making it look low. Finally, keep an eye on your water pan on long cooks. If it ever goes dry, you’ll see a temp spike. Usually not a problem if you know it’s coming, but you don’t want to be woken by a temp alarm at 4am because you didn’t plan…
  19. I was the underdog going in
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