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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lurch

  1. A man gotta have a code
  2. Working theory: when you’ve developed an unwanted reputation as “too tight” when you’re playing properly, start straddling but change nothing else. Note, this may only be effective if few others are straddling, otherwise there’s no raised awareness. I’ve been breaking this out when I get two consecutive fold arounds to my opens/3bets. It seems to be reducing the hesitation to playing me by the regulars, at least for that session or until the table turns over.
  3. Is that how it works? Your F&B is included up to the cabana price? I’ve never paid for one, though I’ve mooched off of others that did. Never asked the price. I’ve got to think the max id pay straight up is like $200
  4. I imagine he was really confused if he had a strong hand chasing the straight flush, or a vulnerable hand with a middle flush scared of Ad and Kd hands catching up. In his shoes (though Q9s is not in my UTG opening range), I’d also cbet this flop, but don’t want to chase off straights or really even the Ad and Kd hands. I’d probably go half pot on flop and perhaps 2/3rds on that blank turn. I’d probably check jam the river, hoping to induce a bluff from the flush chasers or possibly a made straight (though I’m not sure those frequently bet with the flush possibility out there)
  5. Paid to see his Qd9d. I’m not really sure what he was doing with his flop overbet but it certainly worked to build the pot. I’d guess I’d have stacked him with a paired river, so as an opponent I don’t mind. I got most of it back from him later in the session with a super hidden rivered straight I caught with 85s. It took him and the dealer several beats to even see it when I showed the winner.
  6. $2/5. Have run stack up to $1900. UTG (unknown. I’d guess from India. 50ish dude. I’d guess not very good. I’ve seen him open limp and open raise from multiple positions, so this is probably the better part of his range. Saw him make a bad bluff attempt in last hour) opens to $30 with $1k behind. 2 callers, I call BTN with 7s7c to set mine. Blinds fold. $120 pot. 8d7d5d. UTG stares at board for quite a few seconds and checks his hand a few times. Finally over bets out $150. Others fold. I consider raising, but decide to just call. $420 pot. 3c. UTG bets $150 again. I call. $720 pot. 6h. UTG bets $300. Such a weird fucking spot. Him looking back at his cards on the flop makes me think he’s most likely non-suited, though the straight-iness of the flop could have him checking his cards for that. I’d guess he doesn’t have any 4’s here but Ad4d. Does have a few 9s here, 99, Ad9d, Td9d (though in our room many will check this down trying to catch straight flush and win high hand promo), other A9s and T9s combos probably don’t bet turn (?) Obviously he could have flopped a flush with any AdXd and maybe Td9d+ suited connectors. I think he may do this with all of his over pairs, particularly if holding a diamond blocker. He might do this with various unsuited Ad that missed. We could also have a set over set situation, which I’m winning two (55 and 66) while losing to 88. Jam $400 more eff / Call / Fold? Doesn’t seem like I could get him to fold any better hands, so jamming is out, I think. $300 to win $1020. Am I winning 30% of the time here?
  7. Flopped a set of Jacks vs opponent’s flopped Royal. Two shots at hitting bad beat but missed. Close!
  8. What a clusterfuck!
  9. Seems like ICM suggests we don’t want to make a close call here
  10. It won’t, but at least there’s one more lifeboat available
  11. They DO own “doing nothing”. They’re quite outspoken about it. They get re-elected because of it. Pinning it on them **even more** (somehow?) when the whole country knows damn well who is responsible is just buying advertising for them. Take any win we can get. Maybe get more in 5 years when we’ll have another few dozen school shootings added to the list. Vote until we have enough for real change. That’s it. That’s the only viable strategy.
  12. Your strategy is to do nothing and blame the Republicans? Where have you been the last 30 years that strategy hasn’t worked?
  13. How? It’s not a lack of backbone, it’s a lack of VOTES. Get what you can at every opportunity and elect more Democrats next time.
  14. Do you just prefer the tourney experience? I’m guessing your hourly at cash for those games is pretty solid
  15. I’m guessing one makes a lot of unintelligent life decisions leading up to that particular one
  16. This is just not a realistically likely scenario, and in the super fringe infinite-universe instances where it is, what percentage of those times will you be awake, aware and positioned just right vs an intruder? Alternatively, what’s the likelihood that you or someone in your family faces a mental crisis and uses the gun to harm themselves or others? 10x? 100x more likely? The home invasion justification is gun manufacturers’ marketing masturbation. It’s the ginsu knife cutting your shoe in half.
  17. Apparently at one of the WSoP events yesterday, during a color up break a rookie dealer thought she was supposed to drag in all of the players chips and sort them. It took them 2 hours to recover. At least the job market is good.
  18. I fold. I’d prob jam over a raiser with 88+, ATs+, KJs+, AQo, AKo Now, if I was opening from button, I’d jam 22+, any ace, any broadways, probably any suited 1 gapper 86 or better
  19. KQss. I snapped called missed. Dammit
  20. $2/5 w $700 UTG $10 straddle. MP and BTN call. SB (young solid reg) makes it $50. I call BB w Td9d. Straddle folds, others call. $210 pot AsThTc. SB checks. I make it $100. Only SB calls. $410 pot. Jc. SB checks, I make it $200, leaving $350 behind. He jams putting me all in. Call $350 to win $1510 pot? (23.1%)
  21. I’m pretty much there, too. In great part because the better I become at cash, the less appealing a tourney’s payout is. Those with buyins less than $400 make no sense at all, and those between $400 and $1k are debatable given the super low probability of me landing a significant score.
  22. I stopped a few years ago, but it was all bitcoin when I last played. Fairly straight forward Just assume you’re playing with cheaters (RTA and collusion) and can’t win long term unless you are too
  23. I’ve been bubble or edge of bubble so many damn times. I wonder if my strategy somehow lends itself to that outcome. It’s so incredibly frustrating, especially when as you walk to the parking lot you pass the juicy cash games you could have invested your time in instead And you always have the same thought: “if I had just won THAT hand, I’d be amongst the chip leaders right now”
  24. SIAP but this sunroof grenade drop is the most impressive drone video I’ve seen yet
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