I really like my approach for keeping track where you are in the strategy The table usually has two parallel rails for you to store your chips. Keep your chips in the rail closer to you. When you start (phase1) put 2 $1 chips on the rail above, splitting the section into thirds. When you hit your first number, take one down and full collect. when you hit the second, take the second one down and full collect. Now phase 2 You are starting with an empty rail from phase 1. When you hit one of your 3 numbers, put a $1 chip either far left, center, or far right, depending on which number you hit. Ie if your numbers are 689, a 6 would go far left, an 8 would go center and a 9 would go far right. Now tell the dealer you want a full press. Repeat this and when you hit a specific number a second time in phase 2, place a second $1 chip on top of the first, again telling the dealer full press. Repeat the process again, likely building 1 or two chips on your other two numbers as well. Finally, when you hit a specific number a third time, take down those two $1 chips, tell the dealer same bet and take your winnings from that roll. Start the phase 2 process all over again for that number, though now you’ll be starting with a much higher base for it. This is when shit gets real When the shooter rolls a 7, take it all down and reset for phase 1 with your two $1 chips splitting the rail into thirds. I set them this way so that no matter how much I’ve been drinking,their placement tells me I am in phase 1 and not phase 2