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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lurch

  1. Jam and learn to fold 35s preflop in MP behind an UTG open next time. You’re lighting money on fire with that call
  2. With MLife, I’m usually getting the room for “free” but then get charged the resort fee. At most locations, though, I also get a $100-200 resort credit which makes it a wash (though that money has to be spent on restaurants)
  3. Go on…
  4. A few months ago, a regular took responsibility for drumming up a $1/2 PLO game. He didn’t like the $5/5 for various reasons and the $1/2 almost never ran. Fast forward a few months and $1/2 PLO here has gained a reputation as the most insane game being played, often playing deeper than the $5/5. We had a tourney series here this last week and a number of the touring guys and out of state guys told me it’s the softest they’ve seen around, with players regularly sitting without any understanding of the game. I think the $5/5 was pricing too many gamblers out, and now they’ve found their new fix. I may have to take up PLO and shelve NLH for a bit.
  5. I’m not convinced knowing the rules of PLO improve your win rate
  6. I’m glad you posted this one because I was watching live and couldn’t figure out why he was so sure he was losing when called I’m guessing he determined it was K9 on the turn and was trapping for a river shove Also Ben is annoying as fuck. He is every rooms “that guy” determined to make sure everyone knows he pokers
  7. Angels on the sideline Puzzled and amused Why did Father give these humans free will? Now they're all confused Don't these talking monkeys know that Eden has enough to go around? Plenty in this holy garden, silly monkeys Where there's one you're bound to divide it Right in two Angels on the sideline, Baffled and confused Father blessed them all with reason, And this is what they choose? Monkey killing monkey killing monkey over Pieces of the ground Silly monkeys Give them thumbs, they forge a blade And where there's one they're bound to divide it Right in two Right in two Monkey killing, monkey killing monkey over Pieces of the ground Silly monkeys Give them thumbs, they make a club To beat their brother down How they've survived so misguided is a mystery Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability To lift an eye to heaven, conscious of his fleeting time here Gotta divide it all right in two Gotta divide it all right in two Gotta divide it all right in two Gotta divide it all right in two Fight till they die over sun, over sky They fight till they die over sea, over air They fight till they die over blood, over love They fight till they die over words, polarizing Angels on the sideline again Benched along with patience and reason Angels on the sideline again Wondering where this tug of war will end Gotta divide it all right in two Gotta divide it all right in two Gotta divide it all right in two Right in two Right in two
  8. Not listed as an MLife offer yet. If it was, I’d definitely look to swap my Park MGM reservation in July.
  9. Is Cosmo officially MGM-owned now? That was the only reason I didn’t stay there previously.
  10. First orbit, $2/5 w $800 I open UTG to $25 w QsJs. UTG1, LJ, CO, SB all call. $125 pot. Jh9h9d. I make it $40 and all call. $325 pot. Td. Checks to LJ (1k behind) who makes it $75. CO makes it $200 with $250 more behind. SB calls w $200 more behind. Fold, call, raise, shove?
  11. Walked in at 7pm for $2/5. By 7:30, I’m down $1700 having lost AQ to AA, TT to AA and KK to AA. At 10pm I’m walking out +$115 Not sure if I should be happy or pissed.
  12. You serious, Clark? Jam
  13. There should be an app where you plug in your position and hole cards for every hand, no other data/action. It then tells if you’re truly card dead, or just a flaming pussy.
  14. It’s not reasoning, simply a lack of understanding that they are effectively identical. I would bet many wrongly assume it’s like generic cereal or soda in a grocery store: “close but NOT the same thing”.
  15. Yep, I would be doing so to 1) show strength to get his weaker hands to fold and 2) to disguise my flush draw planning on getting paid by his strong hands if it hits.
  16. Probably not on flop. Since he holds the Ac I’m not likely on a flush draw, so he’d just be getting weaker hands to fold.
  17. How many generals might they have started with?
  18. Yeah it was pretty poor. I was still a bit steamed at losing with a flopped set to a straight on the river just a few hands before. I would not typically open so wide in UTG and knew right away I’d fucked up. Then when flop came I decided to cbet large and act like I had a big hand wanting to make the draws pay. I’m fine with my turn play and river was easy
  19. 1:40:00 if link doesn’t take you there
  20. Maybe all Sooners have this luck?
  21. And Mike Lamb
  22. I’m told the honeycomb is good to eat. I’ve not tried it though
  23. This poor guy. Heard him introduced on radio this morning and thought some 6th grader pulled off a classic https://www.c-span.org/person/?130179/MikeLitterst
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