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Winona's Big Orange Bevo

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Everything posted by Winona's Big Orange Bevo

  1. I blame Michigan for pissing them off and lighting a fire under Sawyer’s ass. He seems like a solid guy though.
  2. They’re making it too complicated with all this subjective bs. 1. Undefeated 2. Conference Championship 3. Head to Head Mich, Wash, FSU, Tex
  3. https://www.star-telegram.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article258543928.html
  4. Lot of white pants in the crowd. Especially after Labor Day.
  5. And McKinney now wonders what his sacrifice was even for…
  6. Would there have even been an Alamo if Travis or Crockett had that “aggieland spirit”? ” It is unfortunate, but we just don’t have enough volunteers available to fight Santa Ana. Travis out!” - Col. William B Travis.
  7. Check out the excellent head snap in the reflection of the mirror.
  8. Friend of friend took this on farmland between New Braunfels airport and Freihiet store that's slowly being swallowed up by shitty subdivisions. Unfuckingbelievable!
  9. Found this guy a little too late. Pretty good for a Guad. Co. Geronimo Creek buck. Cleaned him up
  10. Haven't been on Surly for a good while and saw this thread. Didn't know this show was so popular. I actually lived this life for a few years out of Ft. Lauderdale. Embellished for tv but a lot of truth. Always joked with other crew that we should start a show called "As the Prop Turns"
  11. YES!! Just geeked out with my 6th grade class. My nerd was on par with all the others trying to guess who it was!!
  12. I've heard reports that there has been some movement from the Parrot Head brigade out of Margaritaville as well. Shit, they'll probably drag in the Conch Republic too. Shits getting real.
  13. You mean the single guy who espoused anti-gay rhetoric and decorated his office in a Downton Abbey motif? NO!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  14. There are so many different factors to take into consideration it boggles the mind. Here's something to chew on. On evening as I was watching the NBA, the name on the back of a player's jersey struck me and really made me think about the history of African Americans in this country. The name was Jefferson or Fitzpatrick, something obviously Anglo, and I thought about how that name patch labeled that person and how most people, I included, would be proud of that identifying patch on my back. I am very proud of my last name as it is very unique and identifies half of my ancestors country of origin. It is also my familial identifier and connects me to a long traceable list of extended family here in Texas and people back in our ancestral land. It defines a large part of me. It is who I am and tells my history. I wondered what it would be like to wear the patch of a name on your back that didn't identify you or your origins but rather, more than likely, the family who used to own your ancestors. How did it feel to still carry the name of the person who owned you? What amount of pride could you hold with that name other than the pride that had to be manufactured out of the hardships that your ancestors had to endure. You don't have the history of your people or culture going back hundreds or thousands of years. Your effectively an orphan whose history was stolen. Your story begins when your people were sold like animals, freed to third class citizenry and for all intents and purposes aren't treated as equals to this day. How do you think that alone has affected the lives of African Americans and the struggles they faced to survive as a community? Think about that before you reason that we should all act the same because every has their disadvantages.
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