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Winona's Big Orange Bevo

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Everything posted by Winona's Big Orange Bevo

  1. My perspective (being half) is that its kind of along the lines of the quote thats been posted about giving the lowest man someone to feel better than. With all the shit that Mexicans have had to endure and finally feeling kind of respected and some being able to creep up into the higher levels of economic well being, I think many felt a kind of sigh of relief about where they were. Now all these illegals have to come along. Brown skin = brown skin so now its better to distance yourself and let "society" know that you are definitely not one of "them". Just my .02.
  2. https://www.foxnews.com/us/michigan-boy-12-fed-up-with-potholes-decides-to-fix-them-himself?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A foxnews%2Fnational (Internal - US Latest - Text)&utm_content=Yahoo Search Results Infrastructure Week!!!
  3. This is the kind of record scratch that stops everyone from fighting, look at each other and say "WTF?" Supporters don't blink about the other lies 'cause libtears but these may make them stop and sow tiny seeds of doubt. One can hope anyway.
  4. Notice how the resident bootlickers are nowhere to be found to back up this b.s.?
  5. Here ya go Merriam-Webster... Twattle: Loose neck skin confined by a buttoned collared shirt to form the appearance of a geriatric vagina.
  6. Tapper asked him again what he would say to a lesbian or gay man who was married and pressed him on traditional marriage. “I really don’t say anything,” Trump said. “I am just, Jake, I’m for traditional marriage marriages where you cheat on your pregnant third wife by raw dogging porn stars. You know, traditional Christian marriages” And when the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide: FIFY
  7. Only the best "Christians". https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pennsylvania-state-rep-stephanie-borowicz-prayer-muslim-offended-gop-swearing-in/
  8. Your eggs are too fresh. Google it. So you're saying I shouldn't go in and take 'em anymore. And when I say go in...
  9. The problem I have with this idea is the same problem I have with privatizing education based on business ideas. Human lives and bottom lines. I think there should be a base level of decent health care available for everyone. Those who can, can buy supplemental or go private.
  10. Same ball you throw thru ring to score touchdown.
  11. Peeling a boiled egg and the shell sticks to and pulls off the white. I get stabby.
  12. I've always found it interesting how evangelicals seem to worship Jesus to the point of seemingly violating the first two commandments.
  13. SIAP https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/25/supreme-court-denies-mystery-mueller-case-after-probe-finishes.html?recirc=taboolainternal What's this? Did the SS Trump miss the tip of the iceberg poking out of the water only to possibly be sunk by whats hiding underneath? Lots of wheels have been set in motion and they are still grinding onward.
  14. "reciprocity". How much you want to bet that was on his word of the day calendar today.
  15. To be fair, this lady sold that particular location to the current owner in 2015 (?). However, she did own a chain of Asian Day Spas. Make of that what your will.
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