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Winona's Big Orange Bevo

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Everything posted by Winona's Big Orange Bevo

  1. Well one secsecsec game is like one BDF season, you stupid sip.
  2. I know it may be wishful thinking, but it seems like that to as well. The political stuff can easily be parsed and muddied and who cares about playing dirty to win in poltitics is what many people may think. Being tied to mobsters and when big time money and prison sentences are on the line, however, is a whole different ball of wax. Looks like that little snowball that Cohen pushed down the top of the hill in Congress may be gaining speed. These people tangled in this web aren't worried about getting re-elected, they're going to start worrying about getting sent to Federal Prison. When will the rats start jumping ship?
  3. He sees what you did there... ...and down there too.
  4. Yes. I compare the academic year to a slow moving train. You can jump off for a little while and catch back up but anymore than a few days and your screwed whether your a student or teacher. The train has to keep moving because you have to be at a certain point at the end of the year. So imagine a class of 25 kids that are mixed with high achievers, special ed, English as a second language and your average students. Mix in some behavior issues. Now try delivering material to those students in 50 minutes of class time that is supposed to meet the individual learning needs of each student. Small classrooms please. Education is modeled on perfect world scenarios and too often don't want to acknowledge real world problems cause its too expensive or someone might get mad or offended.
  5. Probably not as long as males began entering the profession in larger numbers. When it was mostly women they had husbands or people didn't care unfortunately. The thinking has to be that public education is the preparation of our children citizens into adult citizens. What kind of adult citizens do we want to have? Unfortunately, public education is tied to politics and we get jerked around by the collar by politicians on every level who want to use us to their advantage. If were not getting demonized to make pols look good, we're being saddled with the latest "data driven teaching methods" in order to justify someone's job. This isn't like other jobs where if the product is defective we can just scrap it and start all over. Our "products" are on a time schedule and we have to battle every little negative influence in their lives in order to try to pack information into their heads (some needed, some not) so they can make a score on a standardized test in order to show that we are doing a good job. Every level is trying to show the next level above them everything is running smooth so that no-one triggers an avalanche of b.s. bureaucracy that makes their job even more chock full of b.s. bureaucracy. Now I'm not saying that teachers manipulate test scores cause that would be stupid and not worth it. But when your admins start loading you with paperwork on why you have a greater than 10% fail rate, what do you think most teachers fail rate is going to be? It's a lot of dog and pony show so everyone can say that everything is as it should be. We need academic graduation plans starting in middle school that are tracked to post secondary, ones that are general diploma geared toward a possibility of post-secondary and a vocational track. This everyone needs to go to college b.s. standard is crap. Sorry for the possibly incoherent rant. I just "babysat" 130 eleven to thirteen year olds all day trying to get them to write TELPAS essays after 4 days of benchmark testing. Mind is mush.
  6. Yes, Austin sucks for teacher pay. Don't know why. I'm in NB and starting is at about 50k with the surrounding area being about equal. The one outlier is Schertz-Cibolo which is about 3K higher with a longer scale increase.
  7. So, make sure all the children are born but then smack em on the butt with a hearty "Watch yourself out there".
  8. Definitely. Should let Jr. simmer a few more years before he looks like that wart.
  9. So what you're saying is that we just have to wait out one more generation and then the GOP will be left to their progeny: Crusted and flaky mason jars, gym socks and tissues.
  10. You mean the government won't allow me to have my special alone time? Will I have to get a permit?
  11. Shouldn't those white lines on the table be in front of W and not Tricky Dicky? With maybe 'ol Mitch kneeling besides him like a jonesin' little lap dog.
  12. Good thing he didn't try to submit her into the record.
  13. Read his name very slowly... Username does not check out.
  14. "The best stats. No one is more of an expert at stats. Believe me."
  15. WH just leaked Trump's foreign policy documents.
  16. That's awesome!! Make those spineless traitors vote on the record for his petulant tantrum. Suck it McConnell.
  17. You're supposing that Putin is such an honorable man. Read your last sentence again and tell me what Putin would want more. Defending Iran? For what gain? Or further driving a wedge between the US and Europe. (NATO). HMMM?
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