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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by B00M

  1. Houthis are using UUVs and USVs now. https://www.npr.org/2024/02/18/1232332875/houthi-underwater-vessel-red-sea
  2. I use my DJI as a fun way to keep tabs on our greenbelt. I haven’t needed to use it to drop water balloons yet.
  3. Live, it looked like the ball into the gap might’ve short hopped their LF. He caught it and threw into 1B while our baserunner retreated back around 2B. The batter thought he might’ve had a hit so he was standing on 1B. Our baserunner saw 1B was occupied and hesitated, confused. He’s probably not doubled off to end the game if he just pop-up slides directly into 1st. It was definitely an unusual scenario on the bases but it’s game 2 with a lot of new starters so we’re basically guaranteed to have base running growing pains.
  4. Naw man, let him tell us more about the rope he pushes and his white pee
  6. pretty much, but that won’t prevent us from over reacting. Texas is finishing last in the big12 until they’re not. You know the deal
  7. If he knows that’s a catch he’s probably able to get back to 1st. He definitely changed his plans when he saw 1st “occupied”… unfortunate. Good game, Powell was a foot away from walking it off… fuck it.
  8. Lucky he didn’t take that foul bunt in the teeth. Looked horribly uncomfortable. He just looks nervous at the plate today
  9. Partners in the US? We crowd funding artillery shells now? Where do I put my credit card
  10. Pube hair nearly whiffed that pop up
  11. Great job escaping that inning
  12. you think those might be the counts on similar dates in prior years?
  13. Bummed I missed the game but the highlights of the Flores slam look like a special way to start the season
  14. And like Avdiivka, as long as there’s not extended rain and fog, this is another opportunity for Ukraine to stack up weeks to months of 20:1 kill:death
  15. Yeah but they only pay $100/week for groceries! Russians have it so good! Oh, that amounts to 25% of their median income? -Some Popular Useful Idoit
  16. Fuck, you’re probably right, even though it’s almost certainly a nuclear powered satellite, actually quite far from cutting edge, see RTG: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioisotope_thermoelectric_generator I guess an asshole intent on generating fear could call that a weapon. Presumably the point will be to use it to jam GPS and other satellites without causing obvious physical damage. Wouldn’t they need a lot of these working simultaneously to actually have an effect on the battlefield?
  17. Sure, but we’ve seen their ‘top’ scientists can’t develop a hypersonic missile either. Brain drain from Russia has been well documented and it seems evident today. The timing of these headlines make them appear intended to scare the average idiot and ultimately apply pressure to the House. Don’t get me wrong, I’m good with that. Do whatever it takes to get support to Ukraine. I just don’t believe Russia can actually accomplish any cutting edge technological achievement right now.
  18. Hasn’t Russia tried and failed repeatedly in recent months to demonstrate their ICBMs? …And their nuclear war headed nuclear powered UUV looks like bullshit… but we’re gonna assume they still possess the ability to put a nuke into space and remotely launch it years in the future? I won’t be holding my breath
  19. Good lord. 888 and a fucking blue check. God dammit Musk
  20. Oh boy, now Musk is a useful idiot. At this point it’s gotta be inevitable that Tesla fails because this doofus can’t stay out of politics.
  21. Clearly we need to stuff the comment sections of her very serious videos asking about them tittays. For freedom.
  22. Wait, how did you qualify for Roth contributions? Am I regarded? not meaning to make you really tightly range your household income, just making sure I’m not miss any Roth opportunities
  23. I agree, i was just grasping for anything that might motivate team America
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