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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by B00M

  1. Pretty impressive that this was somehow more inhumane than lethal injection
  2. If there were POWs on the plane (there weren’t), it would just be Russia admitting to another war crime since they didn’t notify Ukraine that they were transporting POWs near the front. So it’s a dumb lie or a war crime #russia
  3. There were very similar reports about a month ago so it’s probably true. If they’re not already, it won’t be long before they’re using multiple high altitude motherships as repeater nodes to double, triple, quadruple their reach. The limiting factor will be flight time of the mother ships. Should be fun to watch how they continue to improve this capability
  4. What’s the source for the alleged last second swap? Russia? All we know for SURE is that what Russia says is false.
  5. I looked into setting up a monthly donation to NAFO a couple weeks ago when I couldn’t sleep, but didn’t love using my PayPal account (an email address I use for other accounts too). It may be paranoia but I assume these Ukrainian donation sites are prime targets for Russian hackers. I was thinking of creating a PayPal account purely to donate to Ukraine that I seed from my normal PayPal address to create a layer of separation. It’s been like 20 years since I created my PayPal account so I’m really not sure this would be effective at all. Did you think about this? If so, how’d you mitigate the risk?
  6. I guess Kelly and conservatives have just forgotten Art’s well documented history of ignorantly running his mouth about gun control in the wake of tragedies? Time to buy another thin blue line car decal and clean their tongues to lick the boot, I guess.
  7. This combination of ice and fire at Novatek is hard for me to wrap my head around. Russia looks like hell on earth
  8. Is there a heat outage map? How many Russians are freezing to death right now because of this special military operation?
  9. same vibes as the train video. Dumbasses
  10. Fuck it, I bought a little FBTC. I can’t wait to watch it go to zero and catch a bunch of knives along the way
  11. Everyone’s complaints are justified given the recent annual emergency clusterfucks. Forgive us for expecting lessons to be learned and a margin of safety to be built into the fucking grid that needs to increase capacity rapidly to cope with the electrification of vehicles.
  12. We need you to not drink coffee or eat breakfast so businesses can use massive amounts of energy to warm and illuminate empty buildings. Also, eat a dick. Love, ERCOT.
  13. Ok? So I need to make sure all the LEDs around my house are turned off? The fuck man
  14. wtf? Who uses excess energy from 6-10am? FUCK YOU ERCOT
  15. Is there a way to reduce the number of replies per page? just scrolling down in the DT Ukraine thread, I’m unable to reach the newest replies without the page erroring/resetting and sending me back to the top. The number of tweets per post per page is just too much. iPhone Chrome.
  16. That’s phenomenally good news. Hopefully this reply gets us to the next page because these are getting tough to load on mobile chrome
  17. We told em man. Now it’s just a training exercise and flex. Fuck it, feels a lot better than having our ships sitting there getting shot at. In hindsight, the absolute confidence our navy had to just sit there and shoot shit down is absurd.
  18. How much worse could it really get than their 21 flowers torture? Fuck Russia
  19. I don’t get why they’re fighting for Russia. What’s stopping them from declaring their independence?
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