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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by B00M

  1. @Doc Daneeka do you have a thought you’d like to share with the class?
  2. Not quite. They used to be able to build lots and lots of shit. There was massive brain drain after the fall of the Soviet Union and when Putin started his forever special military operation. Now they can’t build lots of anything, just shit. edit for clarity, you’re right that they’ve always been drunk and corrupt. Now they’ve gone full regard on top. Regard strenff vs kamikazi drone, advantage Z trooper!
  3. Am I the only one that laughed at this and stopped reading? This is SHOCKING. I am shocked. Thank God the only people left in Russia are incompetent, corrupt, drunken idiots.
  4. Ukraine is saying they shot down 114 out of 158 drones and missiles. All things considered, that seems pretty good to me.
  5. fine then. The idiots can shoot at civilians while the Ukrainians take out Russian logistics in occupied territory and military assets anywhere near the front lines. Russia is losing
  6. Given how little we’ve actually given Ukraine, one would think it would have the opposite effect… then again, today we live in the upside down where almost half the US unknowingly parrots Putin’s propaganda…
  7. He needed time to watch his roster implode and try to convince other adults to move to college station to help him corch and fast track their careers back to the FCS level
  8. So the dumbassed swaying motion is supposed to represent sawing off horns? What fucking losers
  9. 3 scholarship WRs? Ah, Iowa Football syndrome must be spreading.
  10. Jesus it’s not often you get to witness dementia in written exchanges. Truly amazing in the age of Google.
  11. More like, who is painting who, who is using decoys and how/why
  12. Can you explain .. slower.. like I’m regarded thanks
  13. 25mm (1 whole fucking inch in freedom units) machine gun (effectively?) is pretty fucking got damn hardcore
  14. Yeah that 50 BMG bike just looks like good old American redneck fun. The Hughes amendment can eat a dick.
  15. Millennials can finally afford to have kids.
  16. Urban dictionary suggests “moat” is content that gets message board idiots chattering, cluttering up a thread. So I think that couch burning Ohio idoit is calling the rest of us idiots
  17. That’s crazy. Y’all just weld them in on top of buckled beams or do you cut out the buckled beams and replace them? Was it fatigue that led to the buckling or a single extreme impact?
  18. Producing fatherless children is something we Surlyites are exceptional at. Put us in, corch!
  19. Someone needs to modify that clip to have the jet get destroyed as soon as it takes off and fade to black
  20. I’d been wondering why we were showing so much restraint, refusing to counter attack the Houthis. I suppose this was a great opportunity to get our allies some live fire exercise. Fuck these mother fuckers, lets spread some freedom already
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