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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by B00M

  1. Gotcha. All my cars have 3 pedals so your magical transmissions confuse me
  2. Can an automatic transmission be shifted into neutral at wide open throttle?
  3. I hate OU but I wanted remotely reasonably fair reffing in the B12CG so i was rooting for BYU today… this is the same OSU from when Charlie Strong got chest bumped and butt fucked to last years 14 penalty to zero game. The b12 is so out to fuck us that I’m more anxious about this game than I would be vs OU. They also got the shit kicked out of them by south Alabama AND UCF so there’s absolutely no glory in just beating OSU. Fuck this conference!
  4. The people trying to draw big conclusions from that performance in garbage time might be insane but DKR was fucking electric over Arch. How weird must it feel to throw an incomplete pass and the crowd still erupts for you?
  5. For the rest of you that also didn’t know wtf they were talking about
  6. Love hearing how all the food and energy drinks the Russian occupiers like to buy is filled with needles, razors, poison. You can imagine the consequences these brave Ukrainians shop keepers face for resisting but every little thing helps to reduce Russian morale and win the war for independence.
  7. This seems like a great way to take the edge off that million rounds of antique artillery Russia bought from North Korea (I’m assuming there’s some artillery rounds in those crates. I have no idea)
  8. Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but it seems to clarify what Zelenskyy said a few weeks ago, “the war takes the best of us. The best heroes, the best men, women and children.” The cowards and scum of society loot, run, and hide and often survive by victimizing others… but the best Ukrainians stay to help and fight because they’re, “not ready to give their freedoms to this fucking terrorist Putin”
  9. from the pbs frontline: “War is like an x-ray. All human insides become visible. Good people become better; bad people, worse.” I think this was in reference to the Ukrainians trapped in Mariupol during the siege. Something I’d never really thought about.
  10. What do we think about this Cyrus Janssen guy? He appears to have about 500k following him on YouTube and I guess he thinks he’s some international relations expert because he, get this, lived in China for a decade. Looks like about 10 days ago he put out a video repeating all the Russian propaganda about manpower issues in Ukraine, surrender, waste of western resources, etc… comments section is just slurping his balls. Made my blood boil.
  11. Between this and the drones that allegedly land and wait, then spring into killing mode when an enemy gets near, serving as active mines … Ukraine is developing their terrifying UAV and SUV technology nicely.
  12. Oh, so they want to be solid allies with the United States? Sounds like the IMF should lend to them so they can make it happen. I bet most of Argentina is willing to ignore his social policy shortcomings because they’ve been getting mercilessly butt fucked by outrageous inflation for years. When you can’t save and can’t have any sense of security, you tend not to give a shit about social progress. It will be interesting to see how many years it takes them to start showing signs of an economic turnaround.
  13. Sounds like we’re rooting for Putin over this guy that wants effective war fighting
  14. B00M

    Fuck Big 12 refs

    Dude your fucking recollection of events TWO DECADES AGO has no relevance here. This is not a mentally weak or undisciplined Texas team.
  15. B00M

    Fuck Big 12 refs

    Fuck you Kurt, you’ve never been with us. just eat shit and shut the fuck up. You’ve got us behind Oregon and I’m sure you’ll move Alabama ahead of us if they beat Georgia Or maybe since the b12 loses either way in this scenario, it will be fairly officiated, and we beat the fuck out of OU in a statement game
  17. And if the ramming tank gets through the field or close to the Ukrainian lines, bonus. As poorly trained as Russian tank operators must be, yeeting their shitty tanks like kamikazi drones is probably their most effective use
  18. I think the point of these is to clear a path in the minefields… try to detonate as many as possible with an unmanned vehicle. Then sent another… and another…
  19. Yup, everyone is assuming they’re stockpiling in order to overwhelm Ukrainian air defenses and fuck their infrastructure (and their air defenses if they’re competent.. so 50/50) this winter.
  20. At this point I’m thankful the fed exists because neither party has any motivation to reduce deficits. These interest rates are a cross check to the face of budget makers. Boy it sure is weird how they won’t even attempt to draft a budget… I mean, I guess it explains the number but it doesn’t explain the impact it has on the bottom line overall inflation rate. Based on the surly brain trust explanations thus far, I’m to believe this reduced the peak inflation rates of the last couple years but will increase them moving forward. By how much per month?
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