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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by B00M

  1. I’m pretty sure everyone here other than the cryptoiest of crypto bros wants a stable dollar
  2. Sorry for asking a CPI related question in the *checks notes* inflation thread. That number sticks out in the report and I’ve yet to find an explanation for it that makes sense to my smooth brain. Maybe you can help?
  3. From the CPI report, can anyone make sense of this? Is that a 34% YoY drop in the cost of health insurance? Where can I sign up?? and does the relative importance suggest that health insurance only consumes half a percent of my income? sorry if these are dumb questions
  4. The submersible launching vessel is pretty impressive. Maybe Russia had just lowered my expectations so far that anything remotely capable they produce surprises me… http://www.hisutton.com/Yantar.html
  5. City council will appreciate a pitbull with a checkered past right?
  6. I can’t think of many things I want to own less than at ETH ETF
  7. Can you like, embrace whatever user name you used to have (GRU?) and stick it at the end of every new name? It’s sad and weird man. but yeah many of us have been concerned about the federal debt for a very long time and shit is finally getting real for the congress that never passes a budget.
  8. If that’s real, it’s spectacular. What exactly do climate change protestors want him to do, destroy the dollar and turn the US into Africa where useless idiots like them are the first casualties?
  9. As far as the public knows it is just a few hundred Ukrainian infantry that Russia can’t push out. It’s extremely encouraging. “Surge” support this spring to get these bad mother fuckers F16s and anything else they need to cut off Crimea.
  10. 20x? russia is effectively a gigantic Hamas, brainwashing its youth to value death for its leaders which is made easier because life there sucks so badly that anyone mentally capable gets the fuck out.
  11. Thanks for posting, this guy is hilarious. His take on the modern (heh) T-14 is worth a watch too. I’ve never been more confident that Ukraine will push Russia out as long as US politics don’t outrageously rug pull them.
  12. Are they actively selling there like cocksuckers? or is this a now vintage delicacy?
  13. Kind of amazing how many of these channels are popping up. We’ve got an insatiable appetite for updates. YouTube needs to ease up on the de-monetizing restrictions a bit.
  14. Looks like you were right, it was psychological, but the reports of pressure from the west on Ukraine to negotiate peace originated in… Russia… and western media ran with it
  15. Independent Russian news outlet (Sirena?) has allegedly reported that at least 6 Russian ballistic missile tests have been unsuccessful since June 30… these are tests that the west can monitor so you know Russia is using their best hardware to try to avoid embarrassment and look capable.
  16. Even on the deep ball pick where there wasn’t a receiver on the screen, one of our WRs was getting held, the other got tripped. Big 12 refs are a joke. Fuck the big12 straight to the mediocrity it’s facing for decades
  17. B00M

    Fuck Big 12 refs

    It’s not funny. Big 12ing OU after OU beat us effectively Big 12s us because it makes our loss, where OU was never called for holding, shitty and likely keeps us out of the CFP.
  18. $150B cash earning 5% for a quarter nets a cool $1.88B … this mother fucker ready to buy errbody when these interest rates finally bring a financial crisis induced recession
  19. That beach head across the dnipro is still there and steady growing. That really appears to be a soft underbelly if they can get heavy equipment across.
  20. You mean that an outmanned, outgunned, allegedly overmatched country has reclaimed most of the territory taken from them from a hostile invader and fought them to a stalemate while their supporters slow rolled material support? That reality? Give these tough mother fuckers the good shit in 2024 and watch Russia fold. Air superiority is there for the taking. Russia is a fucking joke, sorry if you have family there or something.
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