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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by B00M

  1. Between Ukraine calling this a stalemate, admitting they don’t have any major offensive the rest of the year, and now this peace negotiation bullshit, are we playing some psychological game?
  2. Fuck this guy to death. How was that an acceptable mugshot? Where is good old police brutality when you need it?
  3. there are a couple videos worth a watch that will make you feel a lot better about the US position around Taiwan and Taiwan’s defenses.
  4. Naw man, we see that “real” mass transit in other major cities is struggling with ridership and they’re largely disgusting as fuck given our national homelessness and drug epidemic and we ask where we can sign up!
  5. Based on the beautiful words you mashed with your chubby little fingers, I’m confident we’ll run the ball and control the game. I’m in.
  6. Is a hot dog a sandwich? pretty funny, happy for Maalik
  7. Anyone holding those would be sitting on absurd unrealized losses. Any bank holding much of those would have been run on. The only entity that could have done that would have been the fed and I’m sure that bullshit will happen soon enough
  8. 100 mph quadcopters dropping grenades… fuck. Fuck you china. just attack Taiwan already and get fucked.
  9. This shit is just a sad loss of life. Complete incompetence… thankfully. But still horrible to imagine putting yourself in their shoes, blindly, drunkly charging a superior enemy…
  10. Holy shit indeed. They fucked up a nerve in his back removing that human he scrote-birthed … he’s now paralyzed and trying to relearn to walk.
  11. Fuck yeah. He might have shockingly child like religious beliefs but he’s getting this right.
  12. this is example #794268534 that the police cannot, will not, don’t care to protect you. Rifles of all kinds kill something like 500 Americans total per year. Banning semi auto rifles fixes essentially nothing. When cops kill innocent people, we blame the cops. When psychopaths kill people, we blame the gun (unless they use a van or whatever, then it’s terrorism or racism or whatever)
  13. Disgusting. Also another reminder that the police are under no obligation to protect you.
  14. Just curious, anyone have a clue what Russia is able to learn or salvage from the ATACMS head that must releases the bomblets? it doesn’t look like nothing.
  15. Nice post. Minor correction at the very end, I saw video yesterday that Russia has started trying to pay women to get trained for 1-2 months then serve at the front. But it’s Russia, so they’re basically just field wives and victims too.
  16. Surely this will happen once we’ve given the green light. With any luck we have a ton of eyes in the sky to track movement to help find tunnel entrances and Hamas members to pay visits to.
  17. I refuse. That fat fucking regard is a huge part of why we’ve been wandering through the wilderness since 2009 and we have 3 total all time B12 titles. Greg Davis was not and is not our standard.
  18. It’s been so fucking long there are now people here that actually hold GDGD in high regard. It’s sickening.
  19. Imagine the level of destruction required to search these buildings. You’ll have to destroy almost everything to have confidence they’re not hiding weapons or a tunnel entrance. “Sorry former middle class palestinian stuck between us and Hamas, you’re now traumatized, homeless and all your shit is destroyed. Please don’t go join Hamas.”
  20. I really don’t think they can without taking massive losses. They’ll have to secure every field, every building, every tunnel, every person they encounter… and half the people they encounter will lie about their identity. Every terrorist will lie about their affiliation. They won’t be able to prove anything. They’re going to miss some tunnels, they’re going to hit IEDs and booby traps… all they can hope to achieve is finding SOME of the tunnels that go under the border walls. And fighting in those tunnels will be a nightmare. If they close or destroy sections of tunnels, Hamas will just dig around them when they leave…
  21. Their total stats to this point in time in their Texas careers would probably be more fair.
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