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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by B00M

  1. Tex aggy is so broad.. can you be more specific about how you think surly has changed?
  2. Black labs don’t look anything like pits. Cool straw men though.
  3. I usually love your takes, this one strikes me as emotional. I get it but… If a group of humans were bred to be kid diddlers and generation after generation they were selectively bred to be the most effective diddlers… eventually, they’d have a specific set of traits that made them easy to identify. Maybe they’d look like peewee Herman, maybe not, I don’t know. Let’s say they were released into society, adopted, and had kids of their own with non-diddlers. Would you still be able to identify diddlers or at the very least, be cautious of those that looked like diddlers? Bro we talm bout dogs that got selectively bred to kill bulls, dogs, and other animals. They’re visually identifiable. We’re not talking about people that have chosen their mates. If your dog looks like a pit, I’ve got bad news for you.
  4. I don’t think there are enough missiles on the planet Something, something, microchips, zombies, Russian hackers, follow the money, open your eyes and do your own research!!
  5. At this point, what would any leader do? Is he going to inspire new volunteer soldiers with yet more extreme and unbelievable anti Ukrainian propaganda? Or maybe a terror attack against his own people?? Oh, Russia. You don’t have an equipment advantage and you can’t build new shit fast enough to matter. You’ll have to push through your own mine fields to take any more land, that you then need to some how occupy, when you can barely hold Crimea. If nukes, where? Kyiv and Lviv? The front lines? Then what? Another wave of nukes until surrender? so you can occupy a hostile nation of insurgents indefinitely? The only chance Russia ever had to win in Ukraine was the first few days.
  6. Can you paste this again, as plain text? Even when I highlight it, I’m not seeing any text
  7. That came at a time when the biggest generation of Americans were peak fighting age. We can’t do that today. Neither can Russia.
  8. The hospitals anywhere near Ukraine were 3rd world looking before the invasion. I’m not going to bother doing extensive research on this but I suspect the only hospitals worth a fuck are likely in Moscow and St Petersburg… https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/the-horror-of-russian-healthcare-a7443121.html https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/climate-and-people/like-something-horror-movie-russias-healthcare-crisis-accelerates/ The Russians and their troll supporters brag that 25k+ Ukrainian soldiers have needed amputations. What they don’t seem to realize is this means they’re getting high level medical care very quickly. Russians won’t publish accurate numbers but you know they’ve got fewer surviving amputees and it’s not because they’re not losing limbs. They just bleed out.
  9. This guy is a fucking train wreck. Why can’t some people just shut the fuck up and enjoy their wealth?
  10. Raw numbers look bad but won’t Russia have to draft to significantly increase the volume of meat for the grinder? I feel like Ukraine must have an edge until casualty numbers get into the millions … is there a published western estimate of potential Ukrainian reserves?
  11. The consequences so far have been credit rating reductions… which I assume can increase the cost of borrowing… I have no idea whether or not it actually has
  12. I assumed 3 would be referring how we tried to coach their transition to “capitalism” … and weather or not that effort was successful kind of depends on your perspective. If the goal was to diminish the threat they posed to the world? Great success. If the goal was to bring them to the west and the modern era, massive failure. we need to find a way to get western ideals of individual liberty and opportunity to the general Russian population… we need to tear down and publicly air out the KGB/FSB/whatever in the courts, no matter how bad it may make some western leaders look … it will require massive money and humility from the west to actually change Russia. Do we care that much?
  13. I mean he’s not really wrong, just silly to talk about Bama right now Texas is so good we can play like shit and still make it laughable
  14. The other difference is that all those people linking up can be identified in real time and disappeared in the following days otherwise the similarities are staggering. Russia is so fucked. It’s such a shame the relentless propaganda will prevent western intervention when the shit hits the fan
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