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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by B00M

  1. This is incredible. Now (at least) 2 people’s lives are effectively ruined because of extremely trashy yet consensual sex. Murica
  2. You know, sometimes people can say something funny and there’s no reason to dig into who they are or what their motivations may have been. Like hugbox. Objectively funny regardless of your intent.
  3. How are we supposed to have an honest conversation when this is the starting point? of course the indifference of the average German during the holocaust was horrible. That’s the systemic murder of 10 million innocent Jews. There are now 20k murders in the US by firearm per year. Per 100k population, we’re talking levels last seen in 1992 and exceeded in 1975. Bad but not unprecedented. Frankly this back and forth proves my point. All I said was our political parties are attacking our rights, our media giants are stoking the flames for clicks, and we need leadership at state and federal levels to cool the rhetoric and stop othering people. You’re part of the problem.
  4. And you’re in the Daily Texan convinced you’re fighting nazis and nazi sympathizers. Maybe looking at each other as enemies is part of the problem.
  5. That’s a pretty good example of what I was attempting to describe. A deranged piece of shit shoots or drives over innocent people and you blame anyone to your right that doesn’t want to burn the constitution. Hate breeds hate and someone has to break the cycle. We desperately need love and compassion from our thought leaders and politicians, particularly on the right where unjustified fear mongering has been the general strategy since Obama was a candidate.
  6. This exactly. The right and especially fucking tucker have weaponized the incels but the rhetoric and violence from the left has been building for years too. Everyone on the internet and television is pissed and afraid all the time… but it sure gets clicks! What could go wrong?
  7. Increasing financial stresses coupled with politicians and media members dividing us with wedge issues and the constant threat of taking away established rights (abortion, gun ownership), footage of “others invading”, and unrelenting headlines of indiscriminate violence breeds more violence. This cycle down the toilet will be tough to stop.
  8. I agree but hopefully those would already exist if they could be made to cooperate with the 1st amendment. Uvalde produced new gun control laws, if you recall, but in general, that tragedy likely had the opposite effect on public opinion because it showed exactly how much we can depend on the police when shit hits the fan. When seconds count, police have always been minutes away…. But today we can’t hire or retain dispatchers so we get put on hold when we call 911. Or hung up on. Or the police just never show up at all. Or they do show up and shoot the good guy.
  9. It frankly doesn’t matter what you or I want. Shit’s been established and all we can do is live within the laws and try to make things a little better while we’re here.
  10. Ok… so you’re of the opinion that the CHL/LTC requirements that existed in the US for decades and demonstrably worked were insufficient. Those licensing requirements did require license holders to pay in perpetuity, too. What you’re proposing is irrational simply looking at the numbers. Similarly irrational on the other extreme, 27 states have now passed constitutional carry, so we’ve gone from basic/effective licensing requirements to NO requirements. Good luck everybody
  11. I agree carrying should be concealed but why make it onerous as fuck? Established requirements (background check, fee, course/exam that forces you to learn sone relevant laws, shooting test) already leave licensed concealed carriers much less likely to commit violent crime than police officers. They’re basically the safest category of people in the US. Those requirements were reasonable. of course now there’s “Constitutional”/open carry so no one needs training or knowledge at all to legally carry so any requirement might seem onerous as fuck lol
  12. I agree with you… but I was responding to a specific thing @Bullneck said to me. Take it easy bro
  13. That dumbass saved local law enforcement the trouble and accidentally shot his own dog
  14. I did vote for Biden and voted against trump four(?) times. Every chance I had. But that’s irrelevant when even trump’s bump-stock ban has since been reversed by our courts — All the effort and energy into gun law reform and we can’t even restrict a novelty item gun enthusiasts don’t even care about. While we definitely need to adequately fund the IRS (the controversy over funding for future IRS agent hiring is just an example of the way our society is shitting itself right now), the fundamental problem is the tax code. Corporations are doing exactly what tax code wants them to do.
  15. I’m saying we’re watching in real time what happens to a western society that’s saturated with firearms as stress levels at the median individual level rise. Wealth is being concentrated to such a degree, the typical American has no savings at all but they definitely have debt! Owning a home is a fantasy. Every day more Americans feel hopeless and like there’s nothing to live for. The only “solution” that can actually be implemented quickly is improving our social safety net with things like UBI, universal health care coverage, etc to help lift the boot off the typical American’s neck. I don’t think AI is the boogeyman it’s being made out to be, but even GOP politicians can use it to justify voting for additional entitlements. Other than the extreme regards in the house, of course. Look, if we can’t get courts to agree to any sort of limit on the types of firearms an 18-21 year old male can own, the odds of a blanket ban on the 100M+ semi-auto rifles in the US seems impossible to me.
  16. This here is the problem. Life in the US is extremely stressful, from start to finish, for at least half of the population, and this is trending in the wrong direction with inflation and politics. Being poor, bullied, having mental health issues or just not being able to meet expectations and being unable to afford to change any of it… It makes people snap. And if you have a clean (enough) record, a reliable firearm costs about the same as an uninsured trip to a general doctor… where they’ll tell you to see a specialist you can’t afford that can’t make an appointment with you for months anyway. Capitalism and competition thrives in the firearm industry to keep prices down, but we’ve made medical care and mental health treatment unobtainable for many.
  17. It’s nothing but a semi-auto rifle. It’s indistinguishable from a hunting rifle other than cosmetic features.
  18. Pick up your fuckin water bottles D’onta
  19. How much of this is cocksuckers that just won’t put down their phones while they drive getting into more, worse collisions? It’s like 90% of drivers.
  20. They don’t care about your reaction? They want to make the <eligible customer> feel like they’d be foolish not to take advantage of their exclusive access
  21. It’s cool that that’s where you are but neither (1) nor (2) will be occurring in our lifetimes so we’ve got to deal with reality until then. Criminals will criminal and occasionally they will find out
  22. the hypotheticals and straw men and cloak room whistling in this thread are off the charts
  23. any concern that the Feb and March jobs reports were revised down after similar rosey initial numbers? Feb was revised from +326k to +248k… and march was revised from +236k to +165k… perhaps April’s +180k prediction will prove more accurate.
  24. sweet! Congress won’t have to do ANYTHING! Just ignore the judicial branch’s decisions and embrace the all powerful executive branch!
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