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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by B00M

  1. You’d see a lot of people get into the arrow making business…. Human nature is a real bitch
  2. You musta been stacking gold and lead and laying pipe in the meantime am I right?
  3. Nice use of the chat bot woulda taken forever to make that table manually
  4. Meant to say burnt ends, not surlyhorns. See, this is why we prefer to communicate in moving pictures
  5. So gurt is a sock that’s been a member longer than you and unlike you, contributes to surlyhorns?
  6. You didn’t give us anything to discuss. You’re getting the same effort level that you put in.
  7. Yeah FUCK THE METRIC SYSTEM. Freedom units BABY!
  8. sorry man I graduated into the Great Recession and I’ve paid attention since then. Recessions are painful but they’re an important, natural part of the economy. They punish bad investment and increase economic efficiency. It’s like a fire sweeping through a forest. It stimulates NEW growth and innovation. So yes, I will celebrate if the fed and policy makers in DC stay the fuck out of the way and allow a pricing correction. Especially if essential “assets” like fucking homes come down to sane prices for our children. This everything bubble and money printing and kicking the can down the road with unprecedented leveraging has real world consequences that long term HURT our economy much more than they help.
  9. Ha! I’d love to be wrong. Is there any metric you’re looking at that keeps you bullish?
  10. Jimmy you’re too fucking old to be dragging bullshit around a message board. Once again it is you injecting politics in this thread.
  11. Thing to watch out for now is overshooting the target 2% as recession sets in. The fed has lots of practice fighting deflation but it sure would be cool if some dust could collect on the printer. I think the fed will be worried about reigniting inflation so they’ll be more tactical with the QE and mostly allow this overdue recession to play out. If they get carried away with the printer, it’s not hard to envision stagflation which would mean the fed failed both its missions (stable pricing, low unemployment). So I’ll trust JPow’s balls here and lock in some treasuries at about 4% that mature in like 5 years. Fuck it lets go
  12. Are you talking to the cartoon Wally posted?
  13. Oh c’mon now, his point was based on the dude’s size, not the dreads. But I agree with your overall point that Arch is the runner of the 3. Quinn showed some functional wheels last season and made a couple guys miss. On film Maalik looks pretty slow and lumbering. Definitely not a Tom Herman Hero Ball QB but who cares if he’s a competent operator of the offense.
  14. Your point stands, but Biden said that 10 years ago. Will be interesting to see how the 80 year old attempts to legally justify this horrific decision
  15. Maybe it’s just a generic chart from a prior year they changed the numbers on rather than re-creating? I’ll assume laziness rather than intentional misleading. But 1 to 1.5 trillion dollar annual deficits becoming the norm is really great. Good thing we’ve used all that deficit spending to invest in our future!
  16. Are you thinking if this man?! Pretty sure his HS senior team was awful.
  17. Redshirt junior? Uh you should check your math on that. Either way, you’re making the decision on paper based on recruiting rankings and NIL... I mean I get it, it just sucks. I hope he stays 1 more season.
  18. What’d you see this spring to reach this conclusion?
  19. Are you saying the economy will come crashing down? Or the fast food industry? Or flimsy cups?
  20. Allegedly 4.6% also like half of Americans don’t have $400 to cover and emergency expense
  21. It be like that sometimes bro!
  22. Where’s the chart that shows overall crypto in/outflows? Hard to be long term bullish on BTC if it’s just siphoning money from alt coins. Hell, isn’t that chart suggesting money is about to start flowing out of BTC as people start to look for coins with higher upside potential?
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