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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by B00M

  1. Anyone have a name? For science
  2. Most impressive pitcher I saw in the series was K-state’s closer for game 2. Reminded me of Aaron Nixon back when he was effective. Oh, he’s at Mississippi State now? Great
  3. It’s a good sign when the catcher looks at the dugout and shakes his head… then keeps shaking his head right? only caught the final out of this one. Big series win for this growing team
  4. Lol weird that when unstaking is finally allowed there might be a run! I wonder how much staked-ethereum projects like LIDO got because people assumed the timetable would be defined when they staked. Where else can people agree to lock in thousands (millions?) of dollars without any information about duration? This is a great way to prevent future investment in the space
  5. 100% the k-state manager had no fucking plan going into that inning. He needed to be ready to yank him after 1 baserunner. I think that’s when they finally got the bullpen active. You just can’t allow him to get stuck with 4 runs AND throw 125 pitches. Regarded AF
  6. Maybe I’m not keeping up, but I’m surprised to see this post from you. Figured you would be fully embracing the boglehead method. I’ve had good luck ordering from jmbullion. Just search their in stock coins.
  7. Fact: violent crime is committed every day, in every country on the planet. emotional opinion: the mental gymnastics you go through to justify your fear of a tool that outnumbers people in the United States. Do you judge women for carrying pepper spray? It’s a tool to prevent a worst case scenario. All the baggage you attach to it is your choice.
  8. Dude just shut the fuck up about “the militia”. No one here is in a militia. The AR is popular because it’s a great all-around platform that’s relatively inexpensive. For essentially the price of a Glock, you can get a Glock or an AR15. If you could only afford one firearm, which would you choose? Yeah no shit the AR has exploded in popularity. You’re convinced militias are some significant force in the industry when most gun owners just want the ability to defend their families. The AR can do that very well. Maybe they get into the hobby and learn how to assemble or customize their AR because it’s interesting. Then they buy another AR because they want to try a different barrel length or a different caliber or create a longer range configuration or whatever. Before you know it you’ve got a few ARs and dipshits like yourself assume you’re a gun nut in a militia.
  9. I mean ultimately it’s my fault for not doing due diligence on LIDO/ETH2 lol I’m just losing faith that this has a future for US citizens. There’s no way your average American regard can navigate this shit. The policy makers can kill crypto in the US and majority of the population will applaud. Precious metals are just better at what crypto is potentially currently useful for, imo.
  10. The only thing I don’t like about mine is when I brought in some ETH, it asked me if I wanted to stake it with LIDO and earn 5%. Seems reasonable. I’m not a total noob but I’m no battle hardened crypto vet. As easy as it was to stake, I assumed there’d be a way to unstake when I wanted to. Discovered last night, nope. The only tools I can use to unstake it very specifically say they’re not allowed to be used in the USA. So apparently, I have to wait until LIDO dev hits some “major fork” at some point in the future to unstake and be able to convert back to USD. BTC appears to be the only thing the SEC isn’t targeting (yet) so I’m not tryna hold some bullshit LIDO bag. Thankfully I’m only dabbling with modest sums to learn the ropes in case these currencies are ever truly useful.
  11. So fuck the fed but this just seems like the ethical thing to do given how quickly they raised interest rates.
  12. Isn’t that uptick in holdings the treasury bills (or whatever) the fed has given these struggling banks full value for so they have liquidity and the fed can hold them to maturity to avoid the unrealized losses? It ends up being a wash, right? Did I miss the BRRRRT?
  13. It says right here, don’t question the meat. In iDepression, you can eat your cat or you can eat Shaggy’s meat. Your choice bro!
  14. Man I have no idea what the future is for BTC but CBDC is turn-key authoritarianism. Couple it with spyware that can be installed on your phone with a zero click exploit like Pegasus (6 year old tech) Even if our dysfunctional congress passed a law, the agencies we’ve entrusted with management, enforcement and rule making ignore them without penalty. I think @Captainant called it Calvinball … apt We have to resist CBDC. We won’t
  15. Everyone associated with the financial sector needs to STFU and stop telling us how strong and resilient they are. They’re all effectively ADs coming out to publicly support their embattled head football corch. It always plays out the same.
  16. We’re only 17% down from ATH in S&P500. Clearly, most people are still being greedy. We’re no where near capitulation. Be fearful when others are greedy is the first half of that quote. I hope this shit show doesn’t affect your retirement
  17. When you saying “positioning” are you referring to messaging or investments? In either case, what positioning do you see as good for the nation? If that position doesn’t align with basic human instincts (greed, fear), what are the odds of alignment? Zero?
  18. Fuck it, I’ll say it. It’s Its a bad idea unless you have a very long time horizon and balls of steel. We’re staring down the barrel of a lost decade. We’re either going to get fucked by inflation or a significant recession. If you have access to a fidelity (for instance) money market you can get paid 4.5-5% to wait. I’m assuming you can’t get that at your bank. You could then dollar cost average your way (buy the dips if you can’t automate this) into a couple index funds like VT and VTI to get in on the way down of what I believe will be a significant correction. You could simultaneously buy I-bonds and TIPS from treasurydirect to at least keep up with official inflation rates which even the fed projects are only coming down if a couple million people lose their jobs.
  19. So my statement was based on some old headlines, and I was definitely shooting from the hip. When you say foreign holdings have stayed flat, is that as a percentage of total debt? https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/foreign-holdings-treasuries-rise-november-led-by-japan-data-2023-01-18/
  20. Powell thanks you, especially if you use that money to buy US Treasury Bills since the rest of the world is offloading them
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