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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by B00M

  1. The fuck are we even discussing here? This is the inflation thread. Young adults in the US simply don’t hold enough money to meaningfully move prices.
  2. I think it might have been Reagan that loosened anti trust laws encouraging consolidation and monopolies… all the problems you’re describing boil down to monopolies and corporations being too politically powerful
  3. The fed manipulating markets with artificially low interest rates and outrageous QE created an everything bubble that priced young people out of real estate while saddling them with tens of thousands of student debt and we’re in here judging the poors for letting other poors deliver shit to them
  4. Bitch, if im fuuuuucked up because Texas football is mediocre again, that $40 slice of cheesecake was wise as fuck. Don’t assume
  5. Huge fat sweaty gaping pussy can read differently depending on how horny you are
  6. *DC at least we’ll always have 49-0. Still doesn’t feel real
  7. Like 9 hours ago… still makes that loss hurt a tiny bit more
  8. 180++ do you want speed limiters via legislation or power limits via legislation? Do you outlaw modifications? Are you a communist? 🤣
  9. I staked some ETH to LIDO on Ledger as I pulled my modest BTC/ETH holdings to a Ledger cold wallet. The complication and convolution is definitely a point for @Captainant … at this point I treat BTC/ETH like a slightly more readily spendable precious metals. I don’t know anything, but I think this BTC jump is simply other crypto holders fleeing to safety. I suspect we’re back in the $16k range within a year or so, especially as recession becomes obvious and disposable income dries up.
  10. That was a big fucking win for this team and for us fans
  11. Pretty eyes came to UT to mash apparently
  12. Texas is 1 for 16 with guys on base tonight? Lol
  13. wasn’t sure we’d get a hit off this junk baller
  14. Wow what a defensive 1st baseman… love having a giant there for a new infield to throw near lol
  15. Wind was howling in Austin last I was outside so
  16. Hated having to pull Gordon there but pierce had to do it while a base was open… 1 nice relief pitch tho
  17. I want what they’re having! Have a link to anyone that breaks down how we get from here to there?
  18. yeah a return to ATH would be tough to cope with (hence my 40% exposure) but I think that’s the least likely scenario in ‘23 … if history is any indication we may not sniff ATH for another 5-8 years. Historically, the fed waits until it‘s too late, so lowering the interest rates doesn’t stop the free fall. If there’s an example of the fed pivoting to prevent a recession, its just prior to covid, but covid muddies the water there. random internet chart comparing fed funds rate and S&P500:
  19. I hadn’t thought of it in that way but that’s exactly what will be happening … I don’t see sustaining these elevated rates for very long. Maybe another year? So I’ll try to stay nimble and take advantage of the inverted yield curve with a mix of short duration shit. If I were confident in the fed’s long term ability to tackle inflation, I’d buy 20 and 30 year treasury bonds. Maybe I will anyway as an optimistic hedge I can point and laugh at with my kids in 20 years. From what I can gather it takes 9-18 months for the economy to reveal the effects of fed rate hikes. That’s when the corporate and consumer bankruptcies will accelerate right? And 9 months ago, May ‘22 we were at 0.77% … we finally hit 3% in October. The stock market is still assuming there will be an early pivot and a soft landing or “no landing” or some other pain free fantasy that my inner bear just can’t agree with. It helps that I think I can afford to be conservative.
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