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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by B00M

  1. Am I crazy? Last year didn’t QE run for 5 TDs and have multiple ~30 yard TD runs up the middle? Then he got injured, Maalik had to play 2 games, and QE has been hesitant ever since. Seemed more willing to run last game, maybe the game ending keeper lights a fire…
  2. Compared to this year’s, sure, but compared to the last 20 years of Texas football? You go too far sir.
  3. Upon further review, Texas wins convincingly, in a game that’s not as close as the score suggests: 2-0
  4. This story would’ve been so much better if you peed directly in his face and mouth Obligatory:
  5. These teams have to deal with our defense too though… as long as Quinn doesn’t piss down his leg and turn the ball over, they’re trapped in here with us. That Georgia game is very different if we just punt away those turnover drives.
  6. You’re really arguing the god awful slant pass to helm that cost us 4 points was catchable? Bro.
  7. I feel like today was a great tune up for that game. Simulated the atmosphere. Mobile QB, probably a better offense than aggy’s. Our defense is clearly elite. All we need from Quinn is occasional offense. Dude has to be feeling pretty good knowing he can play poorly and we can win relatively easily
  8. I zoomed in like, “surely I can find something fuckable here!”
  9. That 4th down call from Clemson made us look elite
  10. Panties are so soiled we’re just gonna throw them away
  11. I thought I heard that too Tennessee lost to these sister fuckers
  12. We’re like the asshole that felt he was being tailgated so he slowed down then started aggressively brake checking
  13. Blue sucking ass has really hurt the offense Choice teaches protecting the ball right? The only guy that seems to protect it doesn’t like to go north south
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