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Certifiably Surly
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1523 Surly 10%

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About hornbri

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  1. I hate brett, but Beamer losing his shit is pretty soft.
  2. I thought he might still transfer and these numbers start to make sense. Is it ND?
  3. Forward progress stopped when he got hit. Then he went out of bounds sideways.
  4. That sure describes some early moments in those first few weeks so well.
  5. hornbri


    Yep, even watching it happen I wanted Williams to stop pulling on him.
  6. Just made sure the last 3:30 lasts 45 minutes
  7. It is so good, gave me chills.
  8. I have high hopes, excited to see the trailer tomorrow.
  9. I don’t, I really thought I would add it later, But the propane is so easy to use and the pizzas taste so good I decided it wasn’t worth the effort.
  10. I have a Roccbox and love it so much I have purchased one as a gift for my BIL and family and am getting an Arc XL for myself for Christmas (I saw the delivery from Santa). I absolutely would recommend it.
  11. Thanks - i found the link. I don’t know why they bury it, https://watch.longhornnetwork.com/schedule
  12. Looks like no press conference today? Thought we would have a gameday week one.
  13. Deadline to request to the cotton bowl and championship game are tomorrow should we advance. Requesting for Atlanta, but skipping Jerry World because that place sucks.
  14. Winner winner, they got her the CT machine for the CT guided biopsy and realized one spot was gone and the other had decreased in size 50% on its own and decided it was clear infection and not worth the biopsy. What a ride the last 10 days were, but a relief in the end her lungs are clear of sarcoma.
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