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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornbri

  1. Ugh, that makes sense but sucks from atmosphere perspective.
  2. Maybe there is some stipulation that you have to give lower section sideline tickets to the visitors, but how that ends up making more season ticket inventory is puzzling.
  3. I just got the season ticket renewal for basketball and this was included Those were previously student sections, did they get moved from the sideline to only behind the basket?
  4. https://sportsdata.usatoday.com/football/ncaaf/coaches-poll I am dumb and should learn how to post.
  5. Starting to see lots of stories that this is a result of the unwinding of Yen Carry trades and that is the biggest driver right now. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/08/05/carry-trades-a-major-unwinding-is-underway-amid-a-stock-sell-off.html?__source=iosappshare|com.google.chrome.ios.OpenExtension
  6. This, of course I want USA to win. But if a Longhorn wins I am going to be thrilled for them.
  7. I don’t have anything to add to adtalk…. However I agree with the amount of business knowledge among members of this board (now that we have been working for 25+ years), I am always surprised how little traffic this board gets. Thanks for getting this discussion started.
  8. Wife’s pet scan this week - “No evidence of FDG avid recurrent or metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma.” Big relief, that’s what we want to see. She is about halfway through her 42 week chemo plan and keeps on keeping on. She is so strong watching her handle all this has been amazing. Best to all you fighting the fight every day.
  9. I saw some numbers that calculated this at about 30k a-f of water right now so maybe 0.5%. But that would still result in a couple foot rise on travis. We need it to keep coming for days.
  10. And there is the flood warning for the llano, peaking at just under 15 feet.
  11. That gate at Junction is steadily increasing though, up over 16k now and that will add more from the other fork.
  12. If that gate on the llano is accurate that should be a good injection into Travis in the next 24 hours.
  13. We know the Texas allotment was in sections 7-15 if that helps (it is up thread)
  14. Just got the email, Top 1000 for Michigan, 1850 for A&M. Wow that’s high. The email just said if you were allocated tickets or not, ticket locations not given.
  15. The Longhorn foundation email that just went out, said away game notifications would begin this evening.
  16. hornbri

    RIP Chuy's

    At one point I thought Chuy’s was a great example of Tex Mex, that was over 20 years ago. It has slowly died and this is the final nail in the coffin.
  17. Otoko is pretty awesome, I do wonder about it. The Sushi scene is Austin is crowded with places right now that are very similar and if I was a judge deciding between Otoko, Craft, Tsuke Edomae, Scratch, and Uchi (which i would put at the bottom) would be tough.
  18. That would be awesome right up to the point that they were crushed with hipsters.
  19. I agree that it is stretch, and it’s my home town favoritism. If i am more realistic those two could each get 1 and the other 3 a Bib Gourmand. But I do think location might play into it, Barley Swine is not as good as Oriole in Chicago, but it is as good as Picasso in Las Vegas, and I would say it is very similar to Saison in San Francisco.
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