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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornbri

  1. We have to take it all with a grain of salt since it is China, but to totally dismiss it because it is China is also dumb. A lot of very smart people are looking at this and at a minimum it is showing disruption to the current thinking.
  2. It seems likely they did build it on H800 and optimized for it (at least for the final training run). So it seems they still used NVDA just not the H100s, also remains to be seen if they can adapt this to run even better on the H100s.
  3. China just showed how shallow the AI “moat” is. I think we are going to see AI valuations reset some now.
  4. It’s been on this thread a few times, I bought a while ago and i think it’s safe to say this is one of those “the last XXX you will buy” things. It works so well.
  5. I kinda wanted to see Washington force the refs hands.
  6. Fun game to be at, students were back in force, most of the season ticket holders actually showed up. Took a piss next to Arch at halftime, that might have been the difference.
  7. Thanks - I am looking forward to watching that. I certainly have been there right before lent starts, but never as it ended before.
  8. Just decided to go over Easter weekend, anyone do it extra grand for Easter Brunch?
  9. And to bring it full circle, thats why you see so many tech workers retire early, they are worked to death, never see family, but make a shitload of money. Then they look around one day and say fuck this shit.
  10. Yes, making an over 1M a year is so easy why would you do it the hard way….lol
  11. That makes sense. They gave us a new hire post on linkedin
  12. Exactly. and i am still going to watch it as soon as it is out.
  13. I see what you are saying about AGI vs Wage income. I think RSUs would have to be on table 1.B based on it saying in includes all w-2 compensation. It also says they are estimates based on samples so who knows how exactly they made the data.
  14. How did you get 140k? I think table 1.H is what we should be looking at. Looks to me like 561k (last 5 rows). There are a ton of people who work in Tech who are making 1M on their RSUs, anyone at one of the big places (Google, Meta, Apple etc.) at the director level or higher is making close to if not over that 1M mark with RSUs. I bet 30% of those 561k are in the Bay Area. Df
  15. I knew those volcanos were tall, didn’t know how tall, I just thought snow is still rare, didn’t realize they had it all the time.
  16. Thanks - makes total sense. “She wanted a set portion of OUR estate set aside in an irrevocable trust for either of our care while alive (after the first death) and then to the kids (after the second death). Third party trustees are in place for that. That protects some of OUR assets for the kids and my next wife can only spend the rest.“ This is what we have done as well. She will have an eventual inheritance we have not talked about yet so good to think about that too.
  17. Leander as well, all back to normal in these parts.
  18. I think the districts that encompass large geographically areas will be on a delay (Leander) but I bet AISD is on time. By this afternoon if the snow is mostly melted they will be in time I bet.
  19. Sun is now out shining and the surface snow is melting pretty quickly/
  20. Mix of snow and sleet here in 78730
  21. I am curious on what made her content? My Wife’s granddad left most of his estate to his 2nd wife he was married to less then 5 years and it caused my wife the same fears. In our estate plan, if she dies first part of her estate (half the joint estate) goes into trusts for the kids, but not all of it since it also our joint retirement savings. You come up with anything different?
  22. LISD closed on Tuesday as well to complete the area.
  23. hornbri

    Sonos thread

    This move was long past due. I also have about 10 products and I think they sound great. But what Sonos did rushing out the app updated really alienated their loyal fanbase. Now they are a high priced product with a base that is going to be reluctant to embrace them until they demonstrate they have a plan to fix their software issues. Spence destroyed so much goodwill the company had, I hope they make it but I have a feeling someone is going to end up buying them up.
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