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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornbri

  1. I have high hopes, excited to see the trailer tomorrow.
  2. I don’t, I really thought I would add it later, But the propane is so easy to use and the pizzas taste so good I decided it wasn’t worth the effort.
  3. I have a Roccbox and love it so much I have purchased one as a gift for my BIL and family and am getting an Arc XL for myself for Christmas (I saw the delivery from Santa). I absolutely would recommend it.
  4. Thanks - i found the link. I don’t know why they bury it, https://watch.longhornnetwork.com/schedule
  5. Looks like no press conference today? Thought we would have a gameday week one.
  6. Deadline to request to the cotton bowl and championship game are tomorrow should we advance. Requesting for Atlanta, but skipping Jerry World because that place sucks.
  7. Winner winner, they got her the CT machine for the CT guided biopsy and realized one spot was gone and the other had decreased in size 50% on its own and decided it was clear infection and not worth the biopsy. What a ride the last 10 days were, but a relief in the end her lungs are clear of sarcoma.
  8. Yeah it was a PET CT, she is getting one every couple of months right now, they were ill defined spots right now. But because she is a sarcoma patient any spots that were not on the last scan are worrying, so they just went right to biopsy. I should be grateful the doctors are being careful, and hopefully it’s just residual from the pneumonia that did occur between the scans. I think this is the first time I am appreciating that life will never be the same for us, there will be scans for the rest of her life and there will be random setbacks, we somehow need to find the strength to live a full life and not be in fear.
  9. I just wanted to post an update on my wife. Kinda a gut punch today, she had been doing well but the CT Scan today showed new spots in her lungs. Dr. said they couldn’t tell what they were and they need to biopsy. She did get diagnosed with pneumonia last month so we are trying to be hopeful it is lingering infection. She was almost through chemo hell and we only had a couple of treatments to go, everything had been going so well. Now everything is on hold while we wait. This fucking sucks.
  10. I do find it funny they used orange paint
  11. Oh yes we did, yes we did indeed
  12. We maybe have been at the very top of the end zone with 3000 other Texas fans but it was so much fun. Aggies tears right in front of me Singing the eyes to a mostly empty Kyle field Pictures with the dead dog scoreboard post game Listening to Aggie call in radio on the drive back to Austin…priceless
  13. Ohio state trying to get players suspended for their playoff game
  14. No - the D can score to win
  15. They were at least a little concerned if they got stopped there Georgia would use time outs to get the ball back
  16. The fix would be in next week in Atlanta. As a matter of fact it might help us so they can setup Texas losing to GA.
  17. I wonder how early in the 1st quarter their will be mysterious headset issues and we end up not getting to use them?
  18. This yell practice is funny shit
  19. This, we won’t get there until mid afternoon tomorrow, then head right back after.
  20. I don’t know how to feel about that fact that I understood this.
  21. If those details are correct he was in NYC while she was at the grove and on the bus right? Not saying he couldn’t be involved somehow but it feels more like she walked out of the airport and met some bad people.
  22. When they lost last weekend, i was worried they would be all doom and gloom this week. I sure am happy they bounced back to delusional so quickly.
  23. Thank you for the link, I did get a spot in 43 as well, for 20 bucks worth it.
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