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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornbri

  1. Friday, Saturday what's the difference?
  2. For Retail I think the numbers that moved to online are shocking. Since national retailers and amazon collect sales tax that is a benefit. May will still be worse so not a lot of new things started April.
  3. I do close to the same but soy sauce instead of the teriyaki. It sure taste close to the original.
  4. I think they can only reset your AppleID or turn off find my iPhone. Not give you or reset your actual passcode.
  5. Well the whole argument was that they couldn't. That there was no back door and place so they could not get in. Even if you want to argue they could build a backdoor int he future, they could not get in that phone.
  6. Apple can't unlock it for you, remember the whole San Beenadino shooting and the FBI case? Data security is a serious issue.
  7. To be fair that is what most industries do. Automobile for example, you only know the model and year of a car by reading the specs.
  8. Interesting given today Amazon, Alphabet, Facebook, and Microsoft were all down on the day, Apple was flat and the S&P was up 1.5%.
  9. $46 is expensive, I had not noticed that Via was that much more then little Deli so I just did a check. A large cheese at Via is @20, and extra toppings are $2 so if you got a 4 topping pizza it would be $28 + tax and tip. At Little Deli a large is not$16.50 and toppings are $2.50 so that same four toppings is $26.50 plus tax and tip. Not a huge difference. I am assuming you got some speciality pie with mods to get up in that price range (unless you were including tax and tip/
  10. Just make sure you realize this guy is a bear and already bet on it (as noted in the disclosure). So he has both a motivation to write article like that and also is basis to think that way.
  11. https://www.sec.gov/litigation/suspensions/2020/34-88735.pdf Yeah they got suspended
  12. Yeah those of us with the drain towards the back haven’t had a issue. I think the older model with the side drain is the issue.
  13. Was just coming here to post that. I will go ahead and renew, knowing they have at least acknowledged they will have to do something.
  14. That wouldn't be very surly of me.
  15. Bought KO calls at 8:46 for .80 cents (April 24, $46), sold at 8:50 for $1.10. Nice 37.5% profit in less then 5 minutes. Options are fun.
  16. Yeah that is where I am. I have not renewed yet mainly because I would like to see some clarity on what is going to happen to seat related gifts if there is no season.
  17. Sigh - where did you see that? No update on their Facebook page.
  18. Income is flat, investments are obviously down but that is just on paper and doesn't count as a loss unless we sell. Made some extra money in investment accounts on option trades that was realized so I guess that is a plus.
  19. Don't worry it is climbing again.
  20. The operating costs on the value resort are likely a lot less. So they will lose less money with a lower occupancy. Hard to open a luxury resort with 25% occupancy.
  21. That is not what a NDA does, did you sign some other kind of contract you are calling a NDA?
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