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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by hornbri

  1. 3 hours ago, Bookman said:

    Interesting in that one the warrant was invalid and likely the basis for the award, and it was against the police department. 

    Is there a case of a private hospital being sued for something like this. I agree it is not their job to do this for the police, I just don't know if they would also be liable if they chose to comply. The hospital clearly did not think they would be held liable. 

  2. 13 hours ago, hornian said:

    What is the best tasting menu in Austin?

    Just went to Wink and did their tasting menu and it was good - but not as great as some other places I’ve been in other cities. 

    And I would consider omasake a tasting menu, so sushi counts.

    Austin tasting menus are not going to compare to the places in NY and SF. 

    Having said that I think Barely Swine is the besting tasting menu in Austin right now. 

  3. I have Velop in our house and it works well. We are using 2 nodes plus the base and that is covering the whole house, the pool area, and a detached garage with an apartment above it. No problems at all walking around the house. 

    I have an additional node I am about to add and move them around a little as there are a couple of corners it does not quite reach. 

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, The University said:

    unless you know exactly what you want and you've received it from the same seller before, it's a huge gamble to see what actually shows up at your doorstep.

    I am not sure what you are ordering but we get 100s of things form amazon a year and I cannot think of a single time we did not get exactly what we ordered. 

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  5. 6 hours ago, JimmyHoffa said:

    The West Virginia episode is what made him so great. He clearly didn't agree politically with most of the people he spent time with but he LISTENED and respected their views even if he disagreed with them. He was able to push aside the shit and see people for who they are and that for the most part is good. Sure there are assholes in the world but there are a shit ton more honest, heartfelt, and caring people that we just never hear about because everyone wants to label "the other side" as a bunch of assholes. 

    Conversations over meals is important and UNDERSTANDING (not agreeing) but understanding why someone feels the way they do is a lost art in today's social media world. 

    People are people and we are way more alike then different, we have just been conditioned to hate, it's sad really and the bubble of like minded people everyone surrounds themselves with is not good in the short term or long term. 

    Fuck I hate that he is gone. 

    That episode is one of the greatest he made. I love showing it to people. 

  6. For the Christmas party we are doing a red pepper bisque, a whole beef tenderloin, twice baked potatoes, creamed spinach and a chocolate pecan cheese cake for dessert. 

    Christmas Eve is TBD but will involve shellfish. 

    Christmas dinner is a turducken, tamale cornbread dressing, and collard greens. Dessert TBD. 

  7. On 12/3/2018 at 1:45 PM, Lobo said:

    If you got a booth, then good on you. And much kudos for having a date cool enough to trust you to go above a taco dive for post dinner cocktails.  I love that spot as well.  I was just trying to cast a wide net and that If you get a bistro table, which I mentioned in detail, it wasn’t a great conversation spot.  That’s all, otherwise I love dai due.  And you did manage to broadcast one of my

    favorote hidden bars of AUSTIN.  Damn you! ;)

    Ha - I had no idea there was a bar up there. Not hidden anymore!

  8. That is a tough one, it really depends on the mood. I mean those truck stop enchiladas at La Mancha can really hit the spot but you need to diet for a week after. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, iamthepush said:

    My dad has and from what I remember there will be a section of machines roped off and you choose one of those. Then smash the button as fast as you can until the time is up. Good luck

    Yep - it comes down to how fast you can hit the button. 

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