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Posts posted by hornbri

  1. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    From everything I’ve read Dr. Ford wants it to be public.

    She doesn’t want to be questioned by outside counsel.

    Which gives weight to the argument this is politically. She wants the R senators to have to question her so they they can get raked across the coals buy the Ds. If she really just wants the truth to come out it should not matter who asks the questions. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Actually this is a win for Dr. Ford.  The GOP has now officially backed off the bullshit Monday hearing deadline. 

    Again, Dr. Ford has the leverage here. She can go on TV anytime and give her public testimony to the American people.  GOP does not want that and if she does that, it reduces her bargaining position.

    They want the first crack at her in a hearing. She’s not going to accept this new offer straight up.

    I don't know, the more she puts it off the more it looks politically motivated on her part. This seems like a pretty good chance for her to tell her story. The accuser should always testify first so the accused has a chance to defend. 

  3. On 9/12/2018 at 8:16 PM, utee94 said:

    But I definitely agree on Andiamo, that place is a hidden gem.



    Can we agree to stop talking about it? so so good, let's not make it crowded. 

    • Like 1
  4. Quote

    Kavanaugh’s defenders included some of the 65 high-school acquaintances who signed an open letter last week vouching for his character after the allegations were first reported. 

    “I stand by the letter I signed. I do not know this woman,” said Stephanie Conway McGill by email on Sunday, referring to Ford. 

    Meghan McCaleb said: “I absolutely stand by the letter we signed.”

    "I 100 percent stand behind my letter," Julie DeVol, another of the women who signed the letter, told POLITICO Monday. 

    "I know him very well and I’m 100 percent behind him," Suzanne Matan said in a brief interview.

    "The Brett Kavanaugh I know is a good and decent person, and I have never seen him treat women with anything but respect," Virginia Hume wrote on Twitter Monday.

    Two ex-girlfriends of Kavanaugh who also signed the letter, Maura Fitzgerald and Maura Kane, also released statements Monday on Kavanaugh's behalf.

    a lot different then only 2 support but SPIN SPIN SPIN 

  5. 1 minute ago, Gil Bang said:

    I saw a blurb earlier that reporters contacted over half the signees, and only 2 still support Kavanaugh. 

    Well is said that only two replied, many of the others did not respond or were not reached. But hey twist the news however you would like. 

  6. 11 hours ago, Chet Steadman said:

    You are the undoubtedly first person I have ever heard recommend Guild.  

    You and your wife must be the only two people I see in there on weekends.  

    I went a couple weeks ago on a weekend night and all the tables were full but the bar had seating. So it was crowded (and a very good meal). 

  7. 1 minute ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    are you fucking blind?

    Show me the actual clip, the only thing I can find on google is the one super slow motion one that is out of context. If such a clip shows this and it does not show another reasonable explanation I would agree she is trolling. 

  8. 58 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    This. What we KNOW about her is this:

    1 -- she NOW knows that the symbol has been co-opted by supremacists and is controversial (whether she knew that before, who knows.  I'm talking about what she knows NOW).

    2 -- with that knowledge, she purposefully chose to make it in a venue that is being beamed to the whole world.


    We do not know this, we saw one clip in super slow motion with no context. You have decided to make these conclusions based on that. 

    If it were so obvious there would be a longer clip with sound so we could understand what happened. 

    This is as ridiculous as some of the alt-right conspiracies. 

    • Like 1
    • Fuck You 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    She’s the wife of a US District Attorney for West Texas (El Paso to Austin) and she’s a Harvard Law grad.  Oh, and she is a Trukp administration official who reports to Stephen Miller.

    And she’s fucking around during s US Supreme Court confirmation. 

    Imagine if she had been an Obama administration official fucking around like that. 

    I really thought all of you were trolling with the whole "she is making white supremacy signs" thing. I am beginning to think you all actually believe it now.

  10. On 8/18/2018 at 2:28 PM, woohorn said:

    The Costco gas Subarui is a great deal when it goes on sale ($299 regular I think).

    This is the one I have and used it for the last couple years. I really like it and has been very reliable. 

    You do need to check accessories out. The rotating head is the best thing I have bought so far. Really speeds up the work. 

    • Like 1
  11. 13 minutes ago, Gardner Barnes said:

    bunch of nextdoor nerds sayiung there is a shotload of police cars and mobile crime scene unit etc at 360 and 2222.  no clue if a crane is there also

    I noticed that earlier today it started with a couple parks and wildlife trucks with the lights on, not it is a full on crime unit. It is on 2222 just north of 360 

  12. 5 hours ago, Bama Chick said:


    As someone who recruits physicians as part of their job, I can tell you with authority you’re WAY off on what you assume physicians make.


    Well fill us in then. I always assumed that was a profession that made more then enough money to not worry about student loans  


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