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Marfa Low Crown

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Everything posted by Marfa Low Crown

  1. As a frequenter of this thread in years past I will always be here as a show of solidarity. My contributions to these threads have dropped off dramatically, however. I've suffered just one shart per year in each of the last two years and although production has waned, quality hasn't suffered as each episode was a strip-to-near-naked affair. This past weekend marked the anniversary of the last shart, which was brought on by getting drunk while judging beans at a chili cook-off. Since then I've fallen out of favor with the bar owners and was not invited to judge for the first time in years (fine by me) and my alcohol consumption these days is social, light, and never to excess. Flying clean in 2025.... so far.....
  2. Short Version: Keep an eye out for a Texas Special or Special Export beer from the K. Spoetzl Brewery for release in 2025. TLDR: Texas Special and Texas Export were alternating names for Kosmos Spoetzl's flagship beer for decades until John Hybner came along and created Shiner Premium in the 70's to compete with the likes of Bud, Schlitz, Lone Star, etc. This 'new' beer is allegedly a more cost conscious offering to sit in the market spot somewhere between Shiner Light Blonde and Shiner Premium. This makes no fucking sense whatsoever as the brewery has been wanting to kill Premium for years and makes absolutely no effort to promote the product. Premium is actually one of the better beers this brewery makes, the malt profile has some corn along with the two row it so it's not a true SMASH beer like 1909 but the two row give it a nice spicy grain note and it's a balanced beer. It's actually pretty reminiscent of Budweiser red label if you haven't had one on a while. I hadn't either. By the way, if there's interest in some informative / hit pieces on this thread about the Spoetzl brewery and now distillery, please let me know and I will pen them. I can tell you quite a bit about the place and I won't pull punches, positive or negative.
  3. I'm on board. I think a comeback is definitely due and an added bonus is that today's generation is likely to be confounded by its usage. The interwebs generated this: " In the 1970s, "hose bag" was a popular insult among suburban Toronto high school students. To avoid the offense of teachers and parents, the term was shortened to "hoser"."
  4. Going to bump up the pot a little and say.... Lost Boys is the best bet if I'm on a date FMJ if it's just me
  5. I own this t shirt and another with two judo fighters that says, "When democracy manifests, know your Judo well.". I almost always have to explain what the shirts are about but every once in a while someone will know and it's hilarious. Sleep well, legend.
  6. Even if you make it to the toilet you may still be a dead man walking. You can't clench your butt cheeks when you commit to squatting. You can still 'make it' to the toilet only to end up painting the seat on your way down and sitting in your own shit. Ask me how I know this...
  7. Don't forget about those National Geographic tribal titties
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