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Everything posted by Jhawkmvp
Where can I donate to this worthy cause?
That is such a lawyer statement. The reason he said that, is that he obviously had his "massages" somewhere besides Epstein's houses and planes. He might be a shit human, but he is not totally regarded like any of the idiot pedos who did have sex at an Epstein property/plane with children. He was smart enough to do it where he felt "safe" or would be the only one recording. Notice he did not deny using Epstein's services, just that he would not be on video doing so.
Maybe. It was true of Reagan and Bush II. Either way will be better than the shit sandwich in office right now.
Quite a few very effective presidents before now have been terrible people. The reason to vote for Biden over Trump is that like almost every president in recent history, Biden will bring in people with expertise in areas of government and listen to them. The best leaders delegate and then let their people with expertise lead the way and only step in when needed. That is not possible with Trump because he thinks he knows more than everyone about everything and eventually he fucks up any decent government plan of action with his "gut" instincts. Trump has no plan and listens to nobody for long. That is why our government has been such a disaster for going on 4 years.
Good news is they have a poll at the bottom of the opposing view asking if you agree with Navarro. Strongly disagree (84%) and disagree (5%) are kicking the shit out of strongly agree (7%) and agree (2%).
He'll probably be president in 20 years at this rate.
Living abroad for an extended period of time is an experience that everyone should get if they can. Your children would be, especially lucky, to experience it while young. It will give you a different perspective on the USA and what is great about it and not so great about it. I am just not sure how good your experience will be during the pandemic, since anywhere in the world could have a COVID flare up or second outbreak, if more or less contained, at anytime. Sure, most likely any developed country is going to handle it better than the USA has so far, but that is an extremely low bar to get over. Also even in countries with it relatively under control some things just won't be back to normal for awhile and a lot of things that you could usually experience to get a better feel for the country and culture won't be available due to the virus risks. Schools will be among the first things closed, in most countries who already contained the first COVID wave, if there is a second wave in the fall/winter. If I was going to get away from home during this pandemic I'd most likely hit somewhere with things you can do without people around, like the mountains or sea. If I was in the USA right now, working from home, I'd be doing like a few people already posted. I'd be in Colorado at the family cabin in the Rockies where I could do some outdoors stuff away from people. If I had to leave South Korea at this time, I'd head to the Philippines, to join my wife and newly adopted 2 month old baby daughter (whom I have not been able to see yet due to quarantines coming and going), at my place there by the sea and enjoy fishing, swimming, and drinking some cheap booze at sunset. Whatever you decide I hope it works out for you and your family. Hopefully you an find somewhere your family will enjoy and avoid infection.
Since we are talking reopening schools...South Korean schools have been open in a modified format since the beginning of June. Half the students attend school each week and the other half does online classes. The following week they switch. If a COVID case occurs at a school, or among the family of a student, the entire school goes back to online classes and students quarantine until all COVID is clear among students and their families. Once students and their families are all clear of COVID then that school reopens. Before opening in June they did online only for about a month or so. All students are required to wear masks. The schools provide them to students who do not have one. They have their temperature checked a few times a day, including a camera that senses body temperature as they enter the school. Sanitizer is available in schools for free. They have workers in the schools all day who walk around cleaning and sanitizing surfaces which are often touched like doors, desks, chairs, etc. Koreans often have extended family living with them, primarily retired parents, and many women still give up working once they have children so day care is mostly handled here; however, even before school opened, the government allowed students with no daytime supervision, to come to school and be watched and cared for by a government provided teacher(s) at school.
I live in South Korea right now. People don't fear the police here. The police don't fear the populace. The crime rate is extremely low. If you own guns, the police keep them and you come check them out to go hunting, target shooting, etc. then check them back in. Most police don't carry firearms here, even in riot/protest situations. An exception to this is that airports always have armed officers with automatic weapons. Police talk first and use force later. Police are focused on criminal matters and settling citizen disputes. Most traffic enforcement is automated. Rather than having a large central station they sprinkle many smaller stations around the community so it easier for the community to come to them and faster for them to get where they are needed. The police force is very small compared to the U.S.A. I have only directly interacted with police once here. A neighbor was beating his girlfriend and would not stop, even when the building manager and my Korean neighbors asked him to stop and told him the police were on the way. Listening to the guy beat his girlfriend was pretty infuriating so I asked the manager to open the door for me, which he did (most locks are key coded and managers have a universal pass key), and I went in and stopped it by getting between them and not allowing him to hit her. Five to ten minutes later the police came and took them both away. Afterwards one of my neighbors told me I almost got arrested because the police assumed I was the boyfriend since the victim would not leave my side and was holding onto my arm and would not let go since she was so scared of her boyfriend assaulting her again. Also, probably because as a foreigner here you are always going to be assumed to be the problem unless a Korean witness lays out why you are not since the Korean crime rate is so low and the hermit kingdom (foreigners bad) still lingers among some here. Luckily, the police asked my Korean neighbors what the situation was before they just slapped the cuffs on me. Sadly, I heard nothing happened to the guy, which is not uncommon here as domestic violence is seen as a private matter often times, rather than legal. I ran into the abused girlfriend randomly when out shopping, with my wife, and she thanked me profusely and her coworkers thanked me as well so it must have been an issue for awhile if they knew about it. I really like living here when it comes to crime and the police. My biggest issues are some of the laws here are really messed up, but many of those are likely to be changed in the near future as the older generation dies off as they are mostly related to face and face saving.
My brother got an associate's degree in criminal justice, including tons of ride alongs, in the mid 90's and then did not apply anywhere to be a cop. I asked him why. He said, "I wanted to become a cop to help people. That is not what cops do any more." He said he had a class where the instructor said you have to be a total dumb ass to get in legal trouble as a cop, but if you do this is how to get out of it, and spent the entire class going through the greatest hits, you hear all the time from cops when incidents occur that get publicity, on how to muddy the waters so you were unlikely to get in lasting trouble.
Lol. He was too stupid to hold the front, with the Bible label, towards the cameras. Well there goes what little amount of moral high ground the USA had remaining after the last few years. We deserve all the trolling China, Iran, North Korea, etc. will direct towards us.
Every time I read this thread, I am happy I am currently not living in Dumbfuckistan, but in a country that revers science and education and where people make the "major" sacrifice of "freedom" to wear masks to protect others. Stay safe and thank you to people trying to care for and deal with the public during this COVID-19 epidemic. You really are saints.
He paid for Ivanka's fake tits. So that's 2 good things. Edit: Oh and Melania's. So that's 4!
Where the fuck did the guns thing come from? Americans on both sides of the aisle are too fat and generally well off for things to come to armed uprisings over something temporary like that. Besides he would shoot himself in the foot doing that, as I know some gun lovers who vote R no matter what, to keep their guns. They might love Trump but they love their guns more. Trump is going to be desperate in the fall if he remains underwater like he is now. He might try to suspend the election, if that is the case, until the pandemic passes to give him more time to right the ship. He would lose in court, but if he does it right before the election it would give him a few more weeks or months, likely before the courts sort it out. He is not going to be able to stay in office indefinitely, but he can buy himself more time if he goes that route. He might look at opening the economy as win/win. If the economy recovers and deaths are not too bad, he can crow about it on the election trail. If deaths continue to climb and the economy flat lines into the fall, he can try the temporary suspension route to give him more time in office. One thing with Trump is he will try and say anything to deflect blame or make himself look better and losing the election as a sitting president will be a blow his ego will not be able to handle.
It makes sense if the plan is to try to suspend elections in November, due to pandemic part 2, if Trump's polling remains in the toilet.
Living in South Korea all I can say is:
I was surprised by that as well when it happened; however, they also impeached and imprisoned her pretty quickly for some stuff that is pretty standard in politics and business in SK. Her father, Park Chung-hee was a popular, if controversial, dictator among the moderates and conservatives in Korea so she got a bump from that when she ran as well. He is credited by many in SK has being the driving force behind Korea's rags to riches rise, but severely oppressed civil rights and political expression. As time goes by fewer Koreans who actually suffered the negative repercussions of his dictatorship survive, his popularity has increased among the populace for the economic progress that younger Koreans benefit from today.
China is all kinds of messed up; however, I think Trump made a mistake blaming the Chinese before the election. China's internet censorship/hacking/propaganda operation makes Russia's look like a mom and pop operation. He better have factored in (narrator: he didn't) how much of a bump he can get in the USA by blaming China versus what China can do to hurt his re-election if they unleash their online propaganda and hacking operations against him. That doesn't even touch on the other things people have brought up related to economic retaliation they could engage in. We are not going to fare well in a economic/political confrontation with China when they think and plan decades down the road, when our current administration seems to have trouble thinking even a few days ahead.
It will be messy if he is dead. I can't see his sister taking his place for long, as in traditional Korean culture, which North Korea retains, women just are not valued. I can't see a bunch of NK generals and high level bureaucrats taking orders from his sister for very long unless she ends up a puppet for someone stronger. Even then, not sure the NK populace would really be on board with a female leader either. Traditionally, they throw parties when they find out a boy baby is being expected, but nothing for a female baby. Boys belong to their family and girls belong to the husband's family once they marry, so boys take care of you when you are old and girls take care of their in-laws. It was a big reason why SK had the male/female population imbalance in births once technology to tell the baby's sex came on the scene. Girl babies were aborted. Traditional Korean culture is based on Confucianism similar to Chinese culture. Luckily, South Korea has westernized in many ways in it's views towards women. It is kind of in the same place the USA was in the 80s and 90s with women gaining power in politics and the workplace, but still facing some resistance from traditionalist. Now days most Koreans of reproductive age, that I know, actually prefer girls (better behaved, better students) to boys as the old ways are pushed to the side, but their parents usually have the traditional preference for boys over girls.
I currently work in South Korea and will retire to a little spot by the sea on an island in the Philippines some day in the future. The main ways to get a visa in many foreign countries (outside of employment or marriage) are retirement visas which usually require showing a steady income stream (like social security and/or pensions) or investment visas which require investing or depositing X amount of dollars into a business or bank in that country. Most countries have some form of the latter while the former is a smaller number, mostly in South America or Asia.
That bump for Trump is gone. A lot of interesting information from this YouGov/Yahoo News poll. Worth reading. Here are some highlights:
Many disposable plastic water and soda bottles contain the chemicals antimony and bisphenol A (BPA). They are leeched into the water/soda from the bottle when left in direct sunlight or a high heat environment (like a car in summer) for too long. They have been linked to reduced sperm/hormone levels, cancer, heart problems, and stomach ulcers and a host of less long term illnesses/problems.
As someone with a wife from a 3rd world country, Eddie Murphy was right. With Facebook and social media they will talk to other women from their country that have foreign husbands that let them get and do everything they want and then they will start asking for the same. Not to mention American women getting hold of them if you live in the USA. There is no safe wife pool.
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