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Everything posted by Jhawkmvp

  1. BLM is pretty decentralized. There is not a head office or leader. Anyone can organize or put something out under BLM, as far as I know. So there are some people in it for the cause and some are in it for the cash/grift/attention. Like Pancho said, that group/person is definitely on Trump's payroll.
  2. One of the best things about this past month is that all these shitstains thought they were going to get pardoned in Jan. of 2025. Since Biden dropped out and Harris has stormed to the front, Trump is not the only one shitting his pants now.
  3. Most of these predators do not know that if you travel abroad you have to be having sex with adults. The PROTECT Act was passed in 2003. It makes it a crime for a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident to have sex with someone under the age of 18 in a foreign country. Does not matter what the age of consent is the country you go to. You are American, be better.
  4. Tim Walz single-handedly making future Surly relocators...
  5. Adin Ross's and xQc's audiences are mostly immature males, under 18 years old, who can't vote and the ones over 18 are very unlikely to vote. Kick is a cesspool and does not police it's streamers hardly at all. Everyone kicked off twitch for being an asshole/racist/bigot goes there, which mean there are lots of dumb things that they do and say that will be tied back to Trump (more Ross than xQc who was paid up to $100 million in a deal to stream there for 2 years) for having a sit down with him. Kick (`1 million users) is like the X of the streaming world compared Twitch (`140 million users) being the pre-Elon Twitter. I laugh every time I see this picture. Kim Jung Un is thinking what a fucking dumbass, guy next to him is trying not to just bust out laughing, the 3rd guy is just like holy shit! The poor general is like please don't salute me you are going to get me killed.
  6. True. Until they are soundly defeated/rejected the 2025 agenda just becomes the 2029 agenda or 2033 agenda.
  7. J.D. Vance probably saved many couches from burning next time WVU, Kentucky, or tOSU wins a big game. Only a real psycho burns their fuck buddy, unless they can upgrade to full leather, then fuck them cushions.
  8. Any union which endorses Trump, or even issues no endorsement, is just smearing bacon grease all over their face.
  9. All the GOP military veterans I know are loving the butt fucking Russia is taking in Ukraine and want it to continue. But RU is paying GOP pols well to save their ass in Ukraine, if Trump gets in office, so the GOP/Trump will fuck Ukraine like they did the Kurds.
  10. So half of surly are lawyers and the other half are secret service. Who knew?
  11. Whose Surly sugar baby is this?
  12. So RFK Jr. posted a video splicing a bunch of media talking heads words to make it look like they were talking about him replacing Biden as the person to beat Trump.
  13. They are probably trying to stop the avalanche of sub cancellations. People were not happy that they were ignoring Trump's issues to shit on Biden.
  14. France and Russia are butting heads in Africa. Russia is increasingly taking influence away from the French by using their mercenaries to support rebel factions and governments in opposition to the previous French leaning regimes. It is really messing with France's money pipeline from Africa. That is why France, along with Poland, are most gung-ho to go fuck up the Russians in Ukraine. Russia meddling in their politics is just going to fire them up more.
  15. He checked his frank and beans with his hand, got some bad news, and after that he points to his head. These guys are demoralized. The guy that shot him is just walking slowly down the road. He has no fucks left to give about living or not.
  16. I too, struggle with masturbation.
  17. My favorite stupid MAGA response when I bring up the racism problem in the modern GQP is ... "Lincoln freed the slaves. "
  18. Titty hypnosis is real folks! Do not stare too long or you will lose your free will. Especially if said female is on a trampoline or doing other bouncy activities.
  19. I appreciate the insight from the lawyers on the board and think people should ease up on them for giving their opinions on what they expect to happen and how the court system works for better or worse. However, I think we can all agree that a judge should not take the case of the person who appointed them. It is bad optics, even if they are unbiased and many will be biased and that is why it should not be a thing, especially with the current hyper politized appointments that are happening where your willingness to inject politics into decisions and your ability to serve for decades are more important than if you would make a fair and knowledgeable judge.
  20. My best friend went back to his parents hometown in KS to visit his relatives during high school summer vacation and ended up staying the entire summer because he met a girl and was getting some for the first time. His relatives, that he was staying with, were all bible thumpers so he got drug to their lily white church on Sunday. When they would do the talking in tongues thing, they would always push him to get involved. He would just start speaking Spanish since we had like 4 years of it at that point. They really thought the holy spirit had gotten into him since none of them spoke or recognized he was speaking Spanish.
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