I’ve got two. I was the class president in high school and I had address the entire junior class for an event. Our class was over 800 people. I got the microphone my voice cracked am majorly and then I stumbled through 10 words with all my buddies starting to stand up and yell and laugh at me which made another 300 on lookers do the same. I just walked handed the mic to my VP and she handled the situation. I was so embarrassed like mortified. I left school. Just walked to my car after the assembly and left. I was the brightest red you could possibly imagine.
I was at a national sales meeting and we were drinking heavily and were in the lobby bar about midnight. One of the guys from Northeast said he would give me $100 to jump over a couch. I took him up on it. I start sprinting across the lobby, I get good air. I was jumping from the seat side and had to clear the back. I think I have it and our small circle did to but then my foot caught the top of the couch and I eat shit. I land loudly on the marble floor and it makes a ridiculous noise. About 100 drunk sales guys turn around laughing, clapping and screaming. The next morning they make me come on stage first thing and do a karaoke George Strait as punishment.