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Everything posted by LebongJames

  1. On the phone in the line not paying attention and letting the car roll and then noticing that she will hit the car in front of her, she slams on the brakes.
  2. Rifle from my grandpa on my moms side The flag from my grandpas funeral served in Iwo Jima. The letters he wrote my grandma from there. It sounds morbid but I also will have my dads flag. He is still alive and doing well but he served in Vietnam and that is all we will have from his service. When he landed back in the states in San Francisco, the protests were so bad he went into a Macy’s bought a suit and left all of his Army gear and duffle in a dressing room. Nothing was returned.
  3. Looks like a doodle. Our doodle also has no personal boundaries. He won’t jump on you like that but he climbs right on you if you let him
  4. Full but really it’s about the depth. Some weak 6” sink is going to be terrible no matter what. Gotta go at least 9” for the big pots.
  5. Chester looks quite surly.
  6. Thank god. What we do if he wore a combo helmet at a post season event that means nothing for college?
  7. Majors looks like he needs a few years with Yancy. And Card’s hands do look crazy small.
  8. He’s young and a student athlete with hopefully no previous record. The DA will probably give him a plea deal to a misdemeanor. If that happens I bet he’s back.
  9. Chevelle
  10. This is ridiculous it was close but Mackey is right. Yellow line was not first down line.
  11. Rodgers is the man.
  12. It was redesigned in 2017.
  13. Right now just the sub but thinking about replacing all of the door speakers.
  14. Just bought Tech 12 volts, replacement sub for my Tundra. They sent a custom box and new JBL sub, it’s crazy how much better it sounds than the stock sub Toyota sent. Also bought the wireless charging tray insert for the center console. It’s super nice addition as well.
  15. Stopped going to the boat show because how crazy expensive the boats got. In May we are going on year 5 with Nautical Boat Club. At $400 a month for the club I could buy that Nautique in 70 years.
  16. So far it looks like CDC has influenced Tom to at least look around and not hire the first guy he is comfortable with. This is Herman’s get out of jail free card and he can’t fuck it up. Robinson and Jones would both be great hires. I have not idea about a CB coach but I’m hoping it’s not Washington. Washington recruited well the first couple of years but 2020 has been a failure with only securing Crawford so far. With Warehime officially out I guess they could go get the Cougar High coach but you have to think there is someone else out there with more experience.
  17. Hobby building can’t be sold until after the next state legislation session. But the state agencies in Hobby are already making plans to move with expected approval. Many are moving to the new Capital Complex north of the capital.
  18. We had a record 2019 as a company and personally my best year as a sales rep. With great success comes extreme expectations. I am pumped to meet them in 2020. But to be honest sitting here on Jan 2 I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I was nervous. Luckily we are in the SF industry and Austin is booming.
  19. I have had a Bakflip and have a roll n lock now. The Bakflip was great but I hated how it completely blocked the back window if I was carrying anything over the bed height.
  20. Every somewhat cold morning this guy sits up there.
  21. The 5th night free is huge. I agree with the flexibility but it just seems we never have that.
  22. Points don’t go very far at Ritz and St Regis any more. 70-100k a night. But they are pretty nice. JW in Cabo is an incredible property. W Punta de Minta is as well. Didn’t really like the Ritz in New Orleans, we preferred the Autograph Collection. If Vegas is your thing the Cosmopolitan is a Marriott property. We just spent 10 days at the Marriott in Kauai. Property was not the most high end but the pool was incredible and the points value was great.
  23. Autonation South Austin Toyota will work with you if they have a 2019 on the lot. According to their website they have one white 2019 on the lot.
  24. New HEB at Slaughter and 35 will have the BBQ according to the graphics on the side of the building
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