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Everything posted by Cody2422

  1. I do agree with you here for sure. What if that guy in Lubbock would have walked outside with 2 beers in his hands instead of a gun? Probably would’ve resolved the issue peacefully and the kids dad would still be alive.
  2. if we are talking about banning anything, start with social media. that would solve most of America’s problems
  3. Man you must run with an elite crowd then
  4. Hey everybody, (insert someone who doesn’t agree with me and the rest of the group think) is back
  5. Fuck you too buddy
  6. That’s bullshit, we know they don’t work.
  7. Never have, shot 88 today and 81 is best ever
  8. Disclaimer: I went golfing and I’m drunk Ya’ll are some attention seeking pussy bitches. Live your life, vaccinate yourself as many times as you want, don’t get vaccinated if you don’t want to. Masks don’t work but wear one if you want to. Stop being so fucking afraid, live your life. Be nice to someone
  9. I also know how to make sure this never happens again. Let’s ban movies. I’m only half way kidding…
  10. My point is that if someone hands me a gun and tells me it is unloaded, the first thing that I do is check to make sure it’s unloaded. If you don’t have the basic knowledge to check to see if a gun is loaded or not, you shouldn’t be fucking pointing them at people or handling them at all. Your comparison is stupid and your shit is all retarded.
  11. I don’t think anyone is saying actors should be experts in every field that they portray on screen. The thing is, guns don’t kill people. Irresponsible and/or ill intentioned people kill people with guns and that is what happened here. All guns are loaded, all the time, treat them as such. This site is filled with the dumbest smart people on the internet
  12. Can we stop calling them prop guns? If they have a firing pin to ignite a blank and the barrel is clear, they’re guns, not props. Jackasses making movies with no knowledge about guns other than trying to get them banned think they’re playing with toys. Sad situation though. Thoughts and prayers….
  13. So is it just as interesting that in a school district without a mask mandate, rates of covid are nearly zero? Think there is something in our water too?
  14. Our district started the year off hot, 10+ new cases per day for the first week. Then 5-6, then 2-3, now it’s mostly 0 per day with an occasional 1 scattered in about once per week. Must be the non existent mask policy to credit our 99% reduction in cases. Let’s write a news story
  15. Guess I should’ve added some commentary. An aggy friend posted that and I thought it belonged here because of how ridiculous it was
  16. Not really that crazy
  17. Only morons in this thread are the ones calling for forced vaccinations and implying people who don’t want to get the vaccine are mouth breathing idiots.
  18. WHO now advises against 18 and under getting vaccinated https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/covid-19-vaccines/advice
  19. Have the 9.95s ever been right about anything? Who is it that writes the articles with the “Big Cigar?” Those read worse than straight up fan fiction. Seriously the dude is sitting there having a conversation with himself and putting it out there like it actually happened. Unless of course it is supposed to be satirical, if it is, I guess I’m too dense to get it. And then there is the “I’m told” guy. What does it benefit any person who actually knows anything to talk to these guys? It doesn’t. Why the fuck would someone with the stroke to cut a million dollar check for a coaches buyout entertain some asshole who milks fans for $9.95 a month to read their bullshit?
  20. Just got a chuckle to myself thinking of what the wives of posters on this thread must be thinking when their husband pulls out a few guns from the arsenal, puts them next to their computer along with their drink of choice and the longhorn game is on. Mine would be trying to talk me off the ledge...or maybe not
  21. No they’re just Yellowstone fans
  22. 6. Someone who posts on a message board that apparently knows unequivocally certain things that could be argued have a political slant to them. 7. someone who says if you disagree with said “points” you’re a mouth breather. stay in your bubble dude, the world is a scary place. Keep refreshing your Facebook page too counting your likes.
  23. Why isn’t anyone concerned about the optics of Texas being a mediocre football team. What type of optics would it show if our new AD fired his ass and said “We’re Texas. We expect excellence, not mediocrity.” It used to be we got everyone’s best game because they wanted to beat the best. Now I don’t think we get everyone’s best game and we still nearly lose every game.
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