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Everything posted by Cody2422

  1. My 7 year old asked at dinner the other night how many feet are in a mile? Wife chimes in “3,230”. I look up at her and just shake my head. She then proceeds to google to prove to me She is right...
  2. I get the logic of your thought here, but this only works if you believe the numbers coming out of all of the other countries. There are probably only a handful of countries accurately tracking #s like the US (who knows if we actually are), not to mention testing and access to testing plays a role as well. I'm not shitting on your point, I'm just adding my perspective.
  3. First time checking today, I has the disappoint
  4. Depends on which side of the fence you stand on I guess. If accurate, then the death rate would drop significantly and if it spreads as easily as experts say, that’s a whole shit ton of asymptomatic people walking around spreading it to others. In an exponential spread exercise, seems like the whole world would have it or have been exposed in short order.
  5. The WHO is now saying that their best guess is that 1 in 10 people have had Covid, or 760 million people worldwide. Confirmed cases come in about 32 million. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latimes.com/science/story/2020-10-05/10-percent-world-population-may-have-been-infected-coronavirus%3f_amp=true
  6. You can go back through my posts (except the first 50, those don’t count) and see that I’m about as pro police as they come, but I cannot see the value of a no knock warrant in all but the most extreme cases. There is too much to lose and too little to gain. Everyone has been woken up by a bump in the night, most of the times it’s your mind trick fucking you, but when you wake up from a dead sleep, you immediately go into self defense mode. So say the cops bust through your door in the middle of the night and announce themselves as police, but in the confusion, you’ve already grabbed your .45 out of the nightstand, and then they enter your room, your hands are up but you’re still holding your gun, because after all, it’s the middle of the fucking night and you’re confused. Too late, you’re dead, and in my case my wife and 2 year old who sleeps with us is probably dead too. “Whoops, our bad, we had the wrong house, but he did have a gun” If each side was being authentic, and Lord knows, neither is at this point, this would and should be such an easy fix. I know you can now say, well they were awake. It still doesn’t change the fact that for such a low level “crime”, there are better ways to handle this. In my opinion, the judge who signed off on the warrant is more at fault then the cops who killed her. Judges should be better than the run of the mill cop executing search warrants.
  7. Be safe bud. I brought my computer to work remotely but doubtful I’ll get much done in a hotel room with a 7 and 2 year old. About to go drop my dog off at a boarding facility for the next 3 days. She’s going to hate me Just hope my house isn’t pierced with 2x4s from the 2 new builds going up across the street when I get back. Mom and Dad are planning on riding it out in Fannett, old people are stubborn
  8. We evacuated from the bmt area to Waco, tons of evacuees coming in. This is going to be a shitty few days
  9. Who exactly are the “leaders” in Chicago?
  10. Who exactly are the “leaders” in Chicago?
  11. Cumulative graphs are scary. You should lock yourself in your house
  12. Some of you are confused between the definitions of protest and riots. At this point, I sincerely hope the cops and federal troops withdraw and let the cities burn. You’re delusional if you think the violence/riots are going to magically dissipate.
  13. Wife is a PNG grad as is most of her extended family. I personally think the whole name change game has gone too far, but I have gotten some pleasure out of seeing everyone get their uppity panties in a wad over this.
  14. Sure, never said free speech doesn’t have consequences
  15. Well, he does seem like he sucks, but it is his right to say what he wants. I don't believe any government entity should step in and force him to close for what he says. If he continues to be a prick and his bar sucks, which it seems like it does, let the market decide and he'll go out of business. Just don't go if you're offended. If enough people are offended and stop going, then problem solved.
  16. There is no “news reporting” anymore. It’s a race to be first and get the most clicks and stir up the most controversy. Sadly there are no consequences for these “freelance journalists”. They say, oops my bad, if anything at all and move on to the next story. From the so called journalists, it trickles down to everyone with a platform. Our society is fucked and the root cause is the media and social media and the look at me culture. I know there is nothing groundbreaking in what I said, but it needs to be shouted from the rooftops by anyone who wants to see real change in our country
  17. “Failure to comply”. Those words are chilling. It gives the enforcers way too much power. And it’s exactly why when I started seeing government officials issuing citations for “failure to comply” with Covid related orders, I started questioning motives.
  18. Yeah, I kind of knew it was coming. We had some previous conversations and I got the dreaded “we need to know how many days you have billed to this project” inquiry.
  19. Well I finally got the call, or text rather, to cease working on my project. Guess I’ll file for unemployment with the rest of the US
  20. Ring Energy announced the sale of their Delaware Basin assets yesterday for $31MM, about 900BOED equivalent. Their stock jumped 75% on the news. Anyone have a guess as to the buyer? I feel like someone overpaid in this environment.
  21. When the broadcast guy has to say “For those of you who don’t know what they’re doing..” I’m pretty sure that disqualifies it as the greatest tradition in baseball.
  22. standing around with no helmet on waiting for a play to end seems like a good way to get blown the fuck up by a cheap shotting Mormon. Most injuries happen when you aren’t going 100%
  23. I’d say those fans are the minority. Maybe you need better friends who aren’t assholes. I feel like my Sunday’s are dejavue of my Saturday’s watching the longhorns play. My wife asks me why I put myself through it. It’s because I’m a fan, and I’ll root for my team regardless of whether they suck or not. OTOH, I could just switch my allegiance and be a patriots and bama fan.
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