You can go back through my posts (except the first 50, those don’t count) and see that I’m about as pro police as they come, but I cannot see the value of a no knock warrant in all but the most extreme cases. There is too much to lose and too little to gain. Everyone has been woken up by a bump in the night, most of the times it’s your mind trick fucking you, but when you wake up from a dead sleep, you immediately go into self defense mode. So say the cops bust through your door in the middle of the night and announce themselves as police, but in the confusion, you’ve already grabbed your .45 out of the nightstand, and then they enter your room, your hands are up but you’re still holding your gun, because after all, it’s the middle of the fucking night and you’re confused. Too late, you’re dead, and in my case my wife and 2 year old who sleeps with us is probably dead too. “Whoops, our bad, we had the wrong house, but he did have a gun”
If each side was being authentic, and Lord knows, neither is at this point, this would and should be such an easy fix. I know you can now say, well they were awake. It still doesn’t change the fact that for such a low level “crime”, there are better ways to handle this. In my opinion, the judge who signed off on the warrant is more at fault then the cops who killed her. Judges should be better than the run of the mill cop executing search warrants.