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Everything posted by Cody2422

  1. All the talk about Goldens is making me feel guilty about ours right now. Poor thing has been moved 6 times over the course of her life and finally we are in a permanent home. Except now she wants to tear shit up when we aren't home, claw at the floor, get on the couch, claw at doors, etc. add in a 6 month old baby and our patience with the dog is wearing thin, although she is the sweetest, best tempered dog I've ever had. Tried to kennel her last week for a few hours since it is getting cooler outside, she is now sans bed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Good luck trending back to the middle. This shit is a pendulum. It will end up back on the left at some point but it will be further left than Obama and about as left or further left as trump is right. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Workplace violence Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Wife: 6x4, 30 right? Me: yup Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Who tries to understand a possum? Last week during all the rain I passed a possum sitting in the middle of the road, soaking wet. Had a look of I'm ready to end it all on his face. He was still there when I came back, still alive, still sitting in the exact same spot. Next morning, he was still there, smashed to shit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Tldr Winning-I love him Losing-I hate him Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I beat some dudes ass on riverside one night and he stabbed me in the chest later that night when we were going back to the apartments. Little bitch. About an inch lower he might have really done some damage but my chest plate took most of the blow. Michael McKinley. That was his name. He never paid the full restitution awarded by the judge. Wonder how much that would be with interest now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I've never heard him speak before, figured him to sound more like mike golic. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. That's why I kill all snakes, never know when that diamond back water snake is an rattler pretending to be a water snake Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Reading through this thread reminds me of why I hardly venture down here. Mostly reasonable people on other boards become fucking assholes, stone cold blind to any sort of reasoning that maybe there is more to the story than what your preferred news source would have you believe. Maybe kavanaugh actually did this shit and it needs to be vetted. Maybe the lady is making it all the fuck up and it's a ploy to sink a conservative nominee to the Supreme Court. Nobody knows for sure right now but pitchforks are out on the left and the right is ready to toss this lady off a cliff. One of these days we will all meet in the middle and realize the working class is getting fucked by the right and left and all of the political elites in Washington. I'm convinced not one elected official gives a flying fuck about their constituents and that's why All the vitriol that is spewed between us on message boards is unwarranted. Everyone needs to chill the fuck out My .02, now y'all may return to yelling at each other. I'm going back to see if toilet smurf has done anything unhinged today Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Surly: Scenario 1-cop enters wrong apartment and shoots a suspected burglar-cops are fucking crooks and liars. Bitch murdered him because she was tired of his loud music and hates black people. Cops are covering for her. Scenario 2-no fucking way would cops risk jail time and do something illegal to set up a guy who has pissed off numerous law enforcement agencies. Cops are heroes and never break the law. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Empty shopping carts in open parking spots. Return the fucking carts to the racks people! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I'd recommend having your gun in hand when opening the door. They may think you're an intruder in their home and kill you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. It is unreal the parallels between cowboy football and Longhorn football over the last decade. As a fan of both teams my weekends during football season are miserable. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Cargo shorts has a wicked right
  17. You should get some royalties, mine will be here Saturday. That's 2 new orders bc of you
  18. why do we constantly open up the year against decent teams. Seems to me swapping Tulsa/SJS/utep and Maryland/Notre dame would do more in preparing the team for the season. Even if they step on their dicks and the coaches suck, theybwould at least get up to game speed before playing a formidable opponent. Granted Texas still should not have lost to Maryland. Fuck I'm still pissed.
  19. Has anyone tweeted CDC about the offensive coordinator?
  20. I'm sure it's been said but who gives a shit if herman went to a tittie bar. If Michelle didn't mind and neither of them filed an expense report, then it was just guys being guys and looking at titties.
  21. I now have the new updated guide from the previous shitty one as discussed in this thread. Not much difference, still can't really tell the difference between channels I have and don't have. So I set my guide to 'channels I have' and start scrolling. "Oo cool I haven't seen that show in a little while." Guess what, I don't have that fucking channel, but I can call and get it added to my package. What the actual fuck is up with this company
  22. Little place called the feed store down by the Neches river in port Neches, they've got a good menu. Good food and great gumbo when it gets a little cooler come about December. Putt, what do you do for a living?
  23. Don't forget this one https://www.google.com/amp/s/abc13.com/amp/mom-girlfriend-charged-in-case-of-boy-found-dead-in-galveston/3624595/
  24. Have one in my town and one in a town about 15 miles away and they are currently putting one up in the small town directly between the 2.
  25. Or for that matter turn the fuck around and go camp out behind that island until the storm passes Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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