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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by horngrad03

  1. I realize she's not in the stratosphere of Ms.Reyna,but I'm partial to Kristen Currie. I admit that I like them a bit voluptuous though. I've nicknamed her Biscuits n Gravy.
  2. I noticed that she quit wearing her wedding ring a couple of weeks ago.
  3. Might as well face it....he's addicted to insurrection.
  4. Alejandra Guilmant
  5. It was not anywhere near the original, but made the wife and I laugh. Seeing most of the original cast was worth it alone. Leslie Jones was pleasantly unannoying. John Amos is still a bad ass, and Queen Lisa would still get it.
  6. CENSORSHIP!!!!!!
  7. Halloween 4. I'm a little ashamed I know that.
  8. I rarely post here, but read the forum frequently. So, I felt obligated to let you know I find your posts obtuse and frankly insufferable. I don't see anyone suppressing opinions. Rather, it seems more like the timing and context that folks are taking issue with. As usual that nuance flew over your head. There's a time and a place for political disagreement, and crtiticizing an individual whom went well above with her humanitarian obligations is poor form. Texans are not technically her constituants, but she's helping anyway. There are some (albeit few) politicians that still get "it". So in other words...too soon. Conservatives should just say "Thanks", and at least hold off a week before resuming demonizing her.
  9. Is this from the current PC?
  10. 78748 here. Nothing yet.
  11. I am serious....and don't call me surely.
  12. Wow Larry.....looking FOXY tonight.
  13. Yes. Got my 2nd dose yesterday afternoon and woke up at 3am with both those symptoms.
  14. He'd be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong, but he's on a no fly list now.
  15. Spot on. I had one of these discussion with a Trumper neighbor the other day. After he babbled for 10 minutes and could not refute any of my points I was deemed to be "condescending".
  16. Aren't we gonna have a prayer? I mean we aren't all savages like Serrano over there.
  17. Cross him off then.
  18. Ya know...I'm hungover. If you're gonna pull this shit at least you coulda said you're from the Yankees.
  19. "I hate this fuckin' song." R.I.P. Margaret Whitton.
  20. Don't ever fuckin' do it again.
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