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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by horngrad03

  1. Kentucky comes to Austin.
  2. We call that a business decision.
  3. Wulaw I am a long time member going back to the shaggybevo days. And hornfans....barf. I don't post a great deal. Frankly, there are so many smart assholes on here I get intimidated. So I'm sorry I've never expressed how much I appreciate and look forward to this thread every week. I probably spend an unhealthy amount of time on here. But I'm battling addiction and this place grounds me. I even find it therapeutic at times. I get to ingest intelligent football discourse (sometimes). I laugh,cry, and just get plain angry as well. So maybe not unhealthy at all. Your post reminded me of all the games I took my Dad to when I was a student. Thankfully he is still with us but I hadn't thought about those memories in years. Thanks.
  4. Kentucky showed any sane person more than agricultural....but oh well.
  5. Shanahan looks like Billy Liucci and one of those pig things from Return of the Jedi had a kid.
  6. What a dickbag. Great job by Quinn.
  7. You are right on point because this Portland housewife has never been inside a woman. And probably prefers it that way...not that there is anything wrong with that.
  8. Win or you're out of the family!!!
  9. Mukuba needs to be on the field a lot.
  10. During the broadcast they mentioned his ankle needing retaping.
  11. And then Sark proceeded to run the ball into the interior when they gave that look. He was a step ahead of them all game.
  12. Helm looks quicker than last year and can put his nose in there when inline. He's just a tougher matchup right now for opposing defenses.
  13. Has anyone seen Randolph Duke today?
  14. My wife grew up in Westlake and has crossed paths with him. Total asshole.
  15. fqjD9MuSG7TLOBw-hAMltxirDntECm1NWqKPY5jk4dA.mp4
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