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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by horngrad03

  1. I agree, and this board and fanbase is very happy about where we are headed..up AND out. You are about to get everything you want and deserve. Don't confuse expressing opinions on the internet with unhappiness or anger. We're happy....but fuck you. Both emotions can exist.
  2. He's still recovering from getting his ass kicked a few days ago.
  3. They didn't lose.... they just ran out of deductions.
  4. The throat chop to Judy....lulz.
  5. Christ...I forgot about Burke in Aliens.
  6. It's not Top 5 but an amalgam of William Atherton in Real Genius, Ghostbusters, and DieHard makes a pretty solid villain.
  7. Isn't that what we did?
  9. For all intensive purposes I don't see why your so worked up.
  10. If taking an official visit to Texas is cool.... consider me Myles Davis.
  11. It was Tucker Carlson. 6:30 mark or so for context: https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE
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