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Not that Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Not that Bob

  1. 7 hours ago, Wally Fairway said:

    Apparently that was not the final update, Mrs Fairway had some nasal issues in mid July. Short version is biopsy was tested twice and results posted to her my chart Wednesday listing mucosal melanoma, MRI a yesterday (that was ordered the same time the 2nd test on biopsy). Haven't heard from her Dr yet, because I presume they are waiting for the MRI to be read. 

    We aren't waiting, finished MD Anderson new patient enrollment package yesterday, and should hear back from them on Monday or Tuesday. 

    I don't like what Dr Google is telling me, but it's better than waiting for the Dr to call.

    Houston, here we come

    Fuck cancel

    While you're at Anderson go have a meal in the main dining room. It's a little better than standard hospital food, but that's not the point. The point, just sit and look around you. You are sitting in a forest of IV poles with the strongest, bravest, baddest men, women and children ever to inhabit the earth. Teenagers, little kids, old people. They are fighting the hardest fight of their lives. A fight that, dear God, I hope I never have to fight.  Those people are heroes to me.

    For me, it was a spiritual experience which I will carry with me forever. You may want to think twice about taking your wife with you. Wait until you think she can take the emotional experience. It brought tears to my eyes and I wasn't even a patient. I was just a little man, sitting and having lunch with a group of giants. 

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  2. 39 minutes ago, Goofyboy said:

    Skip the wipes and get a bidet. Your asshole with thank you.

    Agree but the purpose of the wipes is the application of the witch hazel so both actions are needed. I guess I thought the bidet would be assumed. My mistake. 

  3. Miralax mixed with a healthy dose of Metamucil. Adjust to your personal preference. Follow up with Tux wipes. Keep the Tux wipes container, fill it with unscented baby wipes then fill with witch hazel. Homemade Tux wipes. 

    • Drool 1
  4. The people who make Pierre Ferrand Cognac make Citadelle Gin in the off season in order to keep their still going when there are no grapes available to make their cognac. You gin connoisseurs might give it a try. 

  5. I've finished most chores and now just sitting in the waiting room while getting car worked on, so I will add another thought. Prostate cancer guys, don't dawdle. The primary (the prostate gland) is a relatively "easy" cancer, but if you fiddle fuck around and let it metastasize you should look for your important papers and go over them with your family. I don't know why, but prostate metastatic lesions will lead you down a trail of miserable treatments for a couple of years ending in death. 

    More on the dribbles, I read a post in a prostate cancer forum once. The quote:

    "A dead man has little use of a dry pair of Levis".

    Have a nice day.

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  6. Judge, study up on the biopsy. As I understand it, there have been advances since I had my 3 10+ years ago. Yes. 3!! We knew it was there, the doc just couldn't hit the right spot. Back then it was a hit or miss deal. I think now they are using some sort of scan or ultrasound to guide the needle. I'd look for you, but as I said above, "I've got shit to do"...oh hell, I'll put off the chores for a few seconds and recount the experience. They stick some tool up your butt. I think it looks something like the speculum they use on women to open up the vag to do cervical biopsies. To tell the truth I didn't really look. I pretty much gritted my teeth and closed my eyes. Anyway, through this speculum they insert some sort of dart gun that shoots in a needle that takes sort of a core sample of the prostate. Damn thing sounded like a kids cheap dart gun. The needle itself didn't hurt much, but that speculum in the butt was...uncomfortable. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. On 5/15/2024 at 1:21 AM, Frieda’s Boss said:

    Awesome to hear!  My first bloodwork check at three months came back undetectable as well. 

    How are you doing on the recovery side?  Particularly “control”?  I’m pretty good for the most part but definitely prone to leakage when active. First time post surgery doing jumping jacks was hilarious. And then there are times I’ll just randomly leak. Those are frustrating to say the least. 

    I spent all the time I'm going to looking through old posts to see what your cancer is. I got shit to do. From the 05/15 post it looks like prostate. Control. Yeah. That's a thing. Learn what is going to make you leak and start doing a Kegel and hold it through the activity. Learn what sets it off. For me it's bending down to tie my shoes. It's been 10 years and I still forget sometimes. On days when you don't have time to deal with it (changing pants etc) put on a panty liner. If anybody in your house gives you shit about it show them the liner and strut around like Jagger. 

    Adopt a mantra, mine is "I don't have cancer. I don't have cancer". You can borrow that if you want.  I also like to chant "undetectable" and fist pump sometimes. 

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  8. 4 hours ago, Sbbruin said:

    Made some nice sous vide to seared pork chops which were finished in my perfectly seasoned cast iron skillet.  My wife did the dishes.  I needn't say what happened next.  Stern words were had though.

    If she can wield that skillet you best be judicious with the stern words. 

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  9. I'm an old band guy. Long ago before dj"s.  A million frat parties. New Orleans Club, Jade Room. Club Saracen. That was all great...but...it was isolated...for the most part indoors. This by way of saying I'm not opposed to music, but not on every damn corner! When I'm on the trail I want to hear the sounds of nature, not some up and coming band that may, or may not, be in tune. I don't care if they're on a cool floating stage. I want to hear the birds! The Trail of Lights has been completely ruined by turning it in to an outdoor concert. Enjoy the lights. Enjoy your fellow walkers and the Spirit of the Season. Leave off the loud music. Every event or Grand Opening doesn't have to have a band. 


    Old Band Guy.    Emphasis "old".

    • Hook 'Em 5
  10. On 3/24/2024 at 9:26 AM, WhatTheBuck said:

    You were probably high.

    On a side note, I spent hours and hours and hours as a child sitting in front of our big stereo console that was like a piece of furniture, listening to the red and blue Beatles greatest hits albums, reading and singing along with the lyrics in the liner notes.

    I could never find an exact match but the stereo console looked something like these:



    It's the tubes, man. Nothing sounds as good as tubes. 

  11. I took my grandkids to see Little Shop of Horror off broadway a couple of weeks ago so the Feed Me Seymour comment made me smile. The woman who played Audrey was hot af and had a voice the match of Ellen Greene, and that's saying something IMHO. The next night we went to The Met and saw Madame Butterfly. Third time I've seen it and it still makes me all weepy, but hey, it's Butterfly. What cha' gonna do? You don't weep at Butterfly you got no heart, maybe no soul.


    • Drool 1
  12. Well, now I feel guilty about shaming you into yard work. If you got any energy left after dragging those hoses all over the yard I'd be interested in your thoughts on the machine and the zapping and all that. 

    • Drool 1
  13. What to hell does a symphony conductor do? I know he stands up front and waves a stick around, and makes SRV faces, supposedly to keep everybody in time. I'm thinking that if you're good enough on your instrument to qualify for a symphony orchestra aren't you good enough to stay in time? Seems like dead wood to me. 

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