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Not that Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Not that Bob

  1. I remember this time I was listening to some Tannehill Weavers. It was really getting good to me...full on toe tapping and head bobbing. I looked up and said to myself, "Wait a dadgum minute! You're jamming your ass off to...bagpipes!??!" Oh well. Wasn't the last time.
  2. Fit for a King
  3. Friend of mine calls this “Need to know basis”. Does she really “need to know this”? Is there some danger or serious outcome if she doesn’t have this information? If she doesn’t “need to know” then just keep quiet. There’s nothing good to come of it otherwise.
  4. I’m no good at the maths but it looks like you have lost around 4 lbs. since Monday. Man, in my thinking that’s phenomenal. You had a short plateau but now you are losing again. I’m in awe of your success. I hope you feel some pride/hope/motivation from your successes.
  5. Ask doc about low blood pressure. Might cause the spots and blacking out.
  6. Gratitude. Stay for the prayer at 2:11
  7. Don't know if you read my "body changes becoming your new normal" in the I caught the cancer thread. Not exactly parallel but I believe you will adapt to your new (and better) normal. You got this.
  8. Texas regulatory agencies have been flaccid since long before Greg Abbott.
  9. If you concur I will reach out so we can brainstorm on workflow.
  10. Johnny Mercer wrote many lyrics to Mancini’s music. Days of Wine and Roses. Moon River. I guess we can’t really call a “team” a writer. Some fantastic songs, none the less. One of the first riffs I learned on guitar was the Peter Gunn riff. I thought I was a badass.
  11. Epley maneuver
  12. Does Mancini make the list?
  13. I'm not acting.
  14. She can break a heart And take all the love she needs
  15. I just ate a lunch of sausage gravy. I was out of bread and eggs. I just at it out of the pan. It was good.
  16. My…friend is grateful for the ruling and will be sending in his tree fiddy membership dues.
  17. Seems the dog pulled back into his burrow but left a minor skid mark…according to my friend.
  18. Can I get a ruling please? Where does prairie dogin’ fall on the shart spectrum. Asking for a friend.
  19. Hill Street Blues is the best TV ever.
  20. Okay, last one I promise. I think Homer and Jethro are singing with the Spike Jones Band.
  21. Those Meredians....beautiful.
  22. On the surface, it is a circus clown bemoaning the fact that he has lost his love to a more powerful/rich/handsome man. I think on a deeper level it is all of us, realizing that we have very little control. We all lose out to those who are more powerful/rich/handsome. We are all clowns. I picked this version because the lyrics are projected above the stage...and because Errin Brooks is a bad ass.
  23. A piece of American history seen by those who attended the concert at the Surf Ballroom. A DJ with a popular novelty tune. Probably a flash in the pan. The Latino music hero, 40 years before Selena. An up and coming rock hero. Man, what could have become of his career. I was throwing newspapers on that cold February morning, listening to my transistor radio. It didn't hit me at the time. I was just a kid throwing papers, not thinking about what we lost.
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