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Not that Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Not that Bob

  1. Just got KEF LS50 II Meta Wireless with KEF LC 62 sub. Small potatoes to much of the stuff above but I gotta say my horizons have expanded. I called this a “transistor radio “ before I heard it but I am now a true believer. It won’t get rock concert loud, but that’s out of my system. As is often said, “I never heard that in that song”. Songs I’ve listened to for 40 years are brand new.
  2. Up above my head i hear music in the air
  3. This is such a great point. When I was young, playing the field, all I cared about was, is she good looking, and will she have sex with me. Checking out her content of character never crossed my mind...never. I was so totally ruled by the head of my dick that it makes me embarrassed today to even think about it. Seriously, I look back and I don't like that guy. I try to tell my son, don't pick one on looks. Think about "is this the woman that I trust to push my wheelchair". He seems to have listened, but who knows. It sounds like you hit the jack pot SB. Tell her some guy on the internet thinks she's great.
  4. Chopper and all of you helping someone with this terror, I will try to repeat a post from TOS If you are helping remember to do the smallest things. Bring writing materials to all appointments. Take copious notes. If you don't understand or are not totally clear, ask the doctor, nurse, respiratory therapist, whoever to repeat their instructions until you are clear and have it written down. Write. It. Down! Repeat the instructions back to the doctor so they can verify that you heard correctly. Remember that when the doctor, etc. is talking the only thing in the patient's mind is "Fuck! I've got cancer! Fuck! I've got cancer! Fuck! I've got cancer!" The patient can not hear "Okay, follow up visit at St. Lukes room 412 on February 15." They can't hear it, much less act on the order. Bring a pocket full of cash to take care of parking. Call ahead and get directons to the offices you will need to go to. If you have the time make a dry run so the office/hospital will be familiar to you. Keep a calendar of all this for the patient. They won't be able to do it. They have other things on their mind. Anticipate ahead of time, especially if you are going to an out of town faciliity. Look for restaurants you can go to on the way there and back. Within reason make the decisions about where to eat or stay. "Tell" them, rather than asking, "We're going to pull in here for a bite to eat". If you ask what they want to eat, they are liable to say "Fuck! I've got cancer!!" Take that burden for them. As much as possible, make appointments for follow ups as...much as possible. Call the house cleaner. Pick up the laundry. Bring groceries. Don't ask if they want you to pick up groceries, just do it, at least for a little while, until they can think, "Milk and Bread" and not just "Fuck! I've got cancer!" If you need help, recruit it. Find someone you know you can trust to do the things listed above. At first this helper may not be the patient's spouse, cause the spouse is also thinking "Fuck! My husband has cancer!" You may "only" be giving someone a ride, but it is one of the most meaningful things you can do. YMMV
  5. Please pontificate about this unit.
  6. Like so many of the posts above, I always want to “do something”. I want to “fix the problem”. I have found it freeing and possibly more “useful “ to often do nothing. Sort of a “Let go. Let God” sort of thing. Just be there. That can be powerful.
  7. Snowmagddeon broke every thing on my pool. Been replacing everything. Now I’ve been sweating bullets for two days since the current electrical outage and below freezing temps threaten to do the same. That’s it. Please recommend a company who you trust to put in a natural gas generator and/ or who to avoid. Secondly can you recommend a company to insulate pipes. It’s a unique pool with almost no plumbing underground.
  8. Chad is so right. Get a guitar that speaks to you. I’ve played long enough, though not frequently enough, to at least not embarrass myself. I don’t blaze but I have developed “touch” over the years. I know if you beat the shit out of your instrument it will sound bad. Given at least modest touch this damn d12 28 will sing for you. Even just some dinky cowboy chords come alive. Just hit a simple G, let it ring a couple of seconds. Then the C. Then the D. Everyone in the room will say “Damn, that sounds good”. Now they won’t say “you” sound good but even the untrained ear can hear the pitch and timbre. The sustain for ever. Add in the harmonic strings and you have a sweetness, a chorusing effect that, well it just does it for me. Closest I can explain is simple notes played on a pipe organ. Listen to E. Power Biggs play the first 10-12 notes of The Bach Fugue in G minor. The instrument itself. The wind across the pipes. The resonance of the sound box. Regardless of the notes it’s simply a magnificent sound. It hits a spot in the brain that allows you to hear beauty. This Martin does that for me. Simple songs are a pleasure.
  9. I recently got my dream guitar, a Martin d 12 28. I’ve been an electric guy almost exclusively but the legendary “chorus of angels” always spoke to me and for a number of reasons it was time to go acoustic. The transition was a bear for about 3 months but as said above “pick it up every day”. It’s like wearing leg weights. Now my strength is so much better and picking up a six seems like cheating. I haven’t touched an electric in months, if not years. I’m also learning songs I would not have in the past. Chorus of angels man. Chorus of angels. Love this guitar.
  10. Not sure this is age related but...what can be done about drop outs on Spotify? About every other song I get a 1-2 second drop where nothing plays, then it comes back on in the same spot. I hate to lower audio quality from hifi to normal, but maybe that's it.
  11. Yeah, but I bet he has a bitchin' Crosley! Those babies could pull in Chicago!
  12. Judy Collins “Who Knows Where The Time Goes?” Then went to “Oh Brother Where Art Thou?” sound track.
  13. How old? Real old. Sundial? Pish Posh...I got one of those newfangled time keeping devices that uses a swinging pendulum. Works even when there's no sun.
  14. Thanks for your time. I think I am wrong. I was expecting the first song to "stop" but what it does is pause, which does indeed allow me to click on another. I guess it's a convenience so I can go back to the place I paused if I want to. It will take me some time to transition from turntable to digital.
  15. I guess that's correct. I was just thinking the first played song would stop completely, but I am able to start another. I guess I'll just have multiple going in the "background" which I think I had compared to having too many appps open in the background of a computer. Thanks.
  16. Help out an old. How do I, to use vinyl as an example, "lift the needle". I often want to listen to one song from one album and then go to another song from another album. At present it wants to play the entire song before I can go to something else. I'm brand new to Spotify, so I may be using it wrong.
  17. One time my mom found a pack of Marlboros I thought I had adequately stashed…
  18. And all this time I thought Drifter was the descriptor in your username
  19. If you’re at home waiting for someone to show up and you are tired of waiting, go take a dump. They’ll show up mid squeeze.
  20. I should have been more clear. I don't care if I can play music in every room. I don't want to play music in every room. It's just me and the spouse and resale value is not important to me. I will die in this house. The new owner can figure it out if they need music in every room. I just don't want to go through the time and expense of removing all this wire if I don't need to. I guess I have answered my own question. Just stuff the wire ends back into the wall and patch the sheetrock. Guess I just needed to talk it through.
  21. I thought I saw mother today. Same hair. Same gait. Same size, but mother has been dead for 7 years. I'm a grown ass man. I should be past the grieving bullshit by now. So many things I wish I'd have done differently.
  22. I am moving in to a new, to me, house and the previous owner had a rather spectacular system set up. Wall/ceiling mounted speakers in at least 4 rooms. All controlled from one of two media closets. When he moved he took all the equipment, but obviously (I guess obvious) he left all the speakers and wires in the walls. I haven't been paying attention for several years and every thing seems to have changed to wireless now, or at least most things. Is it worth it for me to have someone come trace and label all these wires? I don't have the time or patience to do it myself. If it's worth it who in Austin would do such a thing? My first reaction is to just say fuck it and go with Sonos or whatever is the flavor of the week. I no longer need T-Rex to shake the house, but don't want to just use the speakers in the TV.
  23. Explain something to an old. Why would an upper, for example Adderall, laced with a downer, fentanyl, be an item? If I want to study, or otherwise get "up", assuming I live through the first dose, why would I seek that same pill a second time? Is it an "8 ball" thing? Seems counterintuitive.
  24. Just rewatched the Kennedy episode of The Crown. The back and forth between Elizabeth and Jackie, the insights they learned from each other, and especially when Elizabeth saw Jackie's dress at the end. Big lump in the throat.
  25. Fit-N-Da. Probably a local dialect.
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