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Not that Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Not that Bob

  1. Opinions please re: residential or outpatient centers, in Texas, for dual diagnosis bipolar/alcohol. My friend does okay for a couple of years, then falls off the wagon pretty hard. He has been trying to do it on his own with private counseling and fair compliance with bipolar meds, but it ain't working. I wonder if residential treatment is just a money drain for something that could be done with intensive day treatment so he could keep his job. I am not convinced he has a perfectly accurate diagnosis, so something more intensive than weekly counseling sessions is in order IMHO. I know a guy who had good results with a month at Starlight, but I don't know if they do the dual diagnosis stuff.
  2. One guy will occupy you while his friend steals your stuff.
  3. "You're Gonna Miss Me", the documentary, is half biography and half horror movie.
  4. Glad he got his comeback and his last few years enjoying his legacy.
  5. Okay, continuing to be an old...give me a lesson on wallets. Some things I read look like they are things on flash drives or sd cards. Other things I read look like they are downloadable programs. Are there both types? If so, which is easiest. I think I would prefer to just download something to my computer unless that is stupid dumb.
  6. Coinbase will accept a check...and I have never "wired". Are you talking about Western Union? Seriously...and old.
  7. coinbase said the credit union said the account didn't exist. I double checked my routing and account number. Could be that the credit union is the problem rather than coinbase. Still, like Reagan above, I'm an old and have enough difficulty wrapping my head around the whole cypercash deal without getting kicked back to add to my dementia.
  8. I guess what exchanges accept paypal. If paypal actually sells I guess that would be easiest but I have not seen them on the paypal page. Mostly can I avoid the hassle of getting a bank account vs. credit union and hassle of getting debit card vs. credit card.
  9. Is it possible/safe/advisable to buy coins using paypal? I have tried a couple of sites and get denied because I bank at a credit union and I have a credit card but not a debit card. I have already jumped though the identification hoops to get my paypal account, so I'd like to avoid the hassle of reinventing that wheel.
  10. Original "George's" was in, and memory fades, an old Dairy Queen. About where 1st (Chavez) and 5th intersect. Across the street from, again memory fails, Arkie's. By far the best enchiladas I ever ate. A lawyer, Bruce Sternberg, helped Jorge financially and he opened a new place. I can't remember where the second place was, but I can see the interior in my mind's eye. Before Lavaca, before Hancock. I just can't remember. Stayed pretty darn good for several years, then things started to go down hill.
  11. In the past we just "locked 'em up." There were State Hospitals and State Schools all over the place. I don't remember exactly how many, but 10's of thousands were locked up. Then, with things like "Free the Slow" and "least restrictive environment" the pendulum swung the other way, which sounds great, but to a large extent we just put them on the streets. Not so "freeing". I don't know the answer.
  12. I worked in direct care in mental health for 5+ years, and this is the most insightful thing I have read about the current state of mental health care. Brisket, I've read your posts since 360 and this sentence is at the top of your work.
  13. So, when they say "at the airport" which airport are they talking about. I would imagine the rain totals are somewhat different between the "new" Bergstrom Airport vs. the "old" Muller Airport. Seems like that would skew record reports. Also, it seems like 1929 has lots of "records." Where were measurements taken in 1929?
  14. Sort of a thread shit but...for those asking why pay so much for a car...we had been driving a top of the line Toyota. When it came time to replace we test drove a medium price Volvo and then a new top of the line Toyota. The difference was not even subtle. The Volvo felt like "a machine". The Toyota felt like "a toy". Been Volvo loyal since. Maintenance and repair can occasionally be a beating, but it's a pleasure to drive every time. Friend of mine once said, about his expensive cars, "It's not just a pleasure when I drive it off the lot. It's a pleasure every time I drive it." You do pay for that "pleasure", but it doesn't go away. Okay, back to Mercedes discussion.
  15. The Pollock back drop sort of ties the whole thing together.
  16. That Aquamarine is stunning...and huge!
  17. No grading input from me. I was only a minor hobbyist many years ago. I never sold. I just bought things that interested me, and that I could afford...although I probably paid too much. It was about fun for me, not profit. The suggestions posted above by RD look like a good place to start. McBride's may be able to help, but don't sell unless you are sure.
  18. Look for 1854-1856 1 Dollar Gold Indian Type II ...maybe...
  19. That Wells Fargo is a beauty, Brat. That leads to another interesting, to me, area which is bronze commemorative medals. Sometimes I browse them on ebay and it sometimes leads me down a history rabbit hole. Who the heck were Marie Louise and Ferdinand and why did Bulgaria issue a medal in their honor in 1893? I can waste plenty of time looking these things up.
  20. The unknown in your research is the grading of the coin. Don't let this slow you down as even the experts will disagree on the grade of a coin. Look at your 1836 50 cent piece. Most of the hair is rubbed off Lady Liberty, I think that's who it is, but not sure, however every letter in her crown, LIBERTY, can be seen. Also the date can be clearly seen. The different areas of the coin, and the condition of that area, is used in grading. Look at your Silver Dollar. Every strand of Lady Liberty's hair can be seen. It's not nice and shiny, but the fact that every strand of hair can be seen is a factor. Again, very inexact science, but worth looking at because it will determine the value of your coin, although even given the grade there are other factors such as which mint struck the coin, etc. I am far from an expert. I have not even "dabbled" in a couple of decades, but it's fun to play with.
  21. Spend a couple of hours looking them up on ebay to get a "guesstimate". If you don't know the name of the coin just check google images with your best guess. For example "gold indian head coin" and you will come up with something close. "1836 50 cent coin". Search like that. If the whole thing bores you and you want quick answers go to McBrides. Half of their shop is guns, the other half is coins...at least it was that way last time I looked. Don't sell anything until you study a little more.
  22. Isn't that Indian Head reverse die worth something?
  23. Gmails, from other people, do not show up in my Outlook.
  24. Some gmail I get, others I don't. I send test email to make sure they have my address correctly, but I don't receive the reply. I confirm they received and replied via text. Other types of email, non-gmail, are not a problem. This is true for Outlook and for my Spectrum email account. I don't have anyone blocked. Ideas?
  25. Care to give me a thumbnail of the equipment and process for transferring LPs to digital?
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