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Not that Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Not that Bob

  1. Damn it, fuf82! Now you've done it!
  2. Reading the news I had to go to The Night Hawk one last time. This location is not really the one that I remember. "My" location was the one on Guadalupe. My grandmother took me there. My mother took me there. I took my kids there. This one hurts. The wait today was only about 10 minutes. It was worth it simply for the sake of tradition. It was a little strange in there. The Akins were walking around greeting folks. It was a cross between a party and a funeral.
  3. Damn it all!! The Night Hawk closing hurts. I didn't go there often, maybe every 2-3 years, but my grandparents took me there. My mother loved The Down South burger. we had many. I introduced my son to the family tradition and his comment on the closing is "The absolute fuck is wrong with this word?!" I'm proud of the boy.
  4. Wasn't El Mat where the crispy taco was invented? At least that's the legend I remember.
  5. Jesus. I rode home on the bus from O. Henry Jr. High, as did Moment Armistead. She lived down the street, so sometimes we would get off the bus at the same time. She was pretty. I wanted to walk with her, but I was to shy and frightened to ask if she want me to join her. Plus, she was a year younger and I would have been mercilessly teased by any of my friends who saw me walking with a younger girl...you know those unwritten rules of 8th-9th grade boys. I heard, much later...remember I'm talking Jr. High and her death was during college years...that she had jumped. I never read the story. Sometimes she and her sisters would come yell at me from the street while I was in my room. Just goofy Jr. High stuff. I was sort of embarrassed that they were watching me, but at the same time sort of thrilled that they thought I was worth the effort. Jesus.
  6. Well, I hope the hell you used whole chocolate milk and not that 1% shit!!
  7. Nice suggestion LongestHorn, but he gets confused by the telephone. Teaching him how to use a bidet...nope. Thanks for the suggestion, however.
  8. How we do love to fight here at Surly. Semantics and shit. I read a similar fight on a gin page I was reading. The subject was vermouth or no. One fighter made an interesting, I thought, comment that if you insist that there be no vermouth you are simply drinking chilled gin, not a Martini. Nothing wrong with chilled gin, or chilled vodka for that matter. Personal preference, however, add some stuff to it. I enjoy the ritual...I even use fancy assed Bulgarian crystal glasses and mix/shake in a 60+ year old shaker I inherited from my peeps. Part of the fun.
  9. Dewey. Where'd you take that photo? I'd like to take my old man for one last trip. He went to UTMB. I was born at John Sealy.
  10. What is your ratio of Gin to Dolin?
  11. Let's do. I was a Beefeater Gibson fan, but am now enamored with Citadel and, well Noilly Prat just because that's what I have on hand. Let's talk about vermouth and what it adds. I know, I know...just wave the bottle over the glass. Let's talk "dirty" or not. What brand of olive and cocktail onion. I like shaken. Evidently I like the "bruising" because I like those tiny shards of ice. Tanquerey is just too antiseptic for me. Tell me what your favorites are and why.
  12. Drain King. Saved my bacon until tree roots took over.
  13. I'm a "fat old person", so supposedly unteachable per Surly tribal knowledge. I always bring my own reusable bags. It's just not that difficult, Jesus! Plus they have a bitchin' Longhorn logo so I get to piss off parking lot aggies. I wish beer and soft drinks still came in returnable bottles. Again, it's just not that difficult.
  14. Can't one take an old fashioned photograph of a screen, as opposed to "screen cap", and retain anonymity?
  15. Doc. Such a different experience for you, but Dad and I have not always been "close", if indeed you could say that we are now. Differences about The Viet Nam War, among other things, took a toll on our relationship that will never be repaired. We are rather textbook examples of the effects of "The Generation Gap". I think we both wanted the relationship enough that we learned over the years to just STFU about certain subjects. Prong. In truth, the actual "hard" part is exactly what you refer to...not letting him see me notice the changes. The chores are just motions. The hard part is performing the chores with finesse and tact. PhD. I have had this conversation with myself and others, wouldn't it be easier if they would just "hurry up and die." Sometimes, I guess, a long life is not a blessing but a curse. I have no small anxiety wondering what I will do when my time comes. I can't imagine suicide. Neither can I imagine waiting, essentially invalid, days, weeks, years, waiting for the release of death. Brisket. "...seeing the transition, and the gravity of it..." Keen observation, as usual. Kenny. Please don't apologize for the "sentimental diversion." I wanted to hear your story.
  16. Sure, but did you ever try to throw away a trash can?
  17. Off topic, but I don't think it warrants another thread, anyone have experience with mini-split units? Seems like it would make sense to cool only the bedroom at night rather than the whole house.
  18. We had Dad and his best friend out for lunch Memorial Day. Dad, a Pacific War Vet, his buddy Korean War Vet. Dad is declining rapidly. A long, fruitful life, but it's still difficult to watch the decline of a guy who got up at 4 AM as a child to milk the cows, went to school, took off school at lunch to help his Dad deliver the milk, on a horse drawn cart, then back to school and repeat the next day. After the war he continued his education and became successful and respected. The paragon of a man...but Monday he was struggling to cut his pork chop. They weren't butter tender, but not that tough. I offered to help, but he declined. My son, his grandson got up and took over. Dad will often let his grandson do things that he won't let me do. There's some sort of generational divide that is different from father to son to grandson. I have bittersweet memories of the happiness it gave mother when I fed her in the nursing home during her final days. Definitely more bitter than sweet, but it had to be done and she could feel the love. That was hard. That was my "Mommie", but somehow this is different. Seeing Dad realize that he can no longer even cut his pork chop. Seeing the provider become dependent. Seeing the look on his face as I take over paying his bills and other chores he can no longer do. It's hard. It's real hard.
  19. Pulls the kid's nose off...and it's white. Fucking dentist ain't woke.
  20. I have both grillgrates and mangrates. I don't have huge problem with either, but with the mangrates it takes forfuckingever to get up to temp. It seems like the extra cast iron in the grill is very slow to heat. Uses lots more propane. Also, I have never been able to adequately cure the mangrates. I follow instructions, but it seems the oil always burns completely off, so I am left with "raw" cast iron every use. I like the end result, but they seem finicky. I'm still experimenting with the grillgrates.
  21. Started CPAP due to my wife's complaining about my snoring. I read how it helps with cardiovascular, etc. Adjusted to it after trying about 5 masks and am now 100% compliant. I never felt the "life changing" effect, it just stopped the snoring. I was falling asleep at the computer so got a second sleep study which showed that I have not only sleep apnea, which the machine helped, but also have narcolepsy, which is a whole 'nother thread. MoJames can no doubt explain it better than I, but essentially I have fucked up sleep "architecture". REM sleep is all over the place, as are all other levels of sleep. tl/dr. If the CPAP doesn't help you feel better, get another sleep study, or have them double check the first one for goofy sleep architecture.
  22. hydromet.lcra.org
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