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Not that Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Not that Bob

  1. Why is it always said "the south *of* France"? We don't say "the south *of* Austin, or "the south *of* New Hampshire". What is that pretentious bullshit?
  2. Twilight Zone. Any episode.
  3. To Live
  4. A Man Called Ove
  5. Dad's 96. Fairly sharp, but stubborn Pacific War Vet. Stubborn. More successful than I'll ever be. Stubborn. He's lost his sense of smell and can't tell that he's not getting clean after bowel movements. How do you tell a Pacific War Vet he needs to wear Depends? Serious question.
  6. I started in the knot hole section in 1957. Attended DKR's first game, and his last. Suffered through all the bad years after (and some good) just because it was simply "what I do." When the jumbotron started to drown out The Longhorn Band I couldn't take it anymore. It was no longer the experience I had loved for over 50 years. It was a circus...not a Longhorn game.
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