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Not that Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Not that Bob

  1. As I recall, Ecology Action over on I35 (about 7th or 8th, don't remember exactly), had a similar sort it yourself deal. I liked the system, and it seemed like some good was actually being done. Only problem was that the volunteers were pretty sanctimonious, sort of like the old underground record store employees. Definitely too cool for a mere customer like me.
  2. My grandfather was in France with Pershing. Grandmother said "He loved that man. He would have followed him anywhere". When I was about 10 or 12 Granddad took my finger and placed it in an indention on his forehead. It was as if an inch long cigar shaped rod had burned an indention in his skull. I had never noticed it before. He said, "That's where a piece of shrapnel got me". That is all he ever said about his time in France. I wish I had asked him to talk more, but I didn't know enough at that age to understand that I had let a huge piece of world history get away from me. I got this much...a cut and paste email from my mother when I asked her where her Dad was in France. Email from mother dated 9/12/14, just a few months before she died. Mostly in France;the first time I went to Europe I rode the train and recognized some of the places he had talked about like Meuse Argonne and Chateux Thierry, They are just little villages now under his commanding officer who at that time was a lesser general but was transferred to WWI and became a full General don't know how many stars he had but he was commander in chief during WWI ,His name was Pershing My dad and his men were transferred with him, Dad lied about his age so he could join the army, made himself older then he was. He went with the detachment from Brenham, He greatly admired both the commander from Brenham (whose name excapes me) and General Pershing ,both were father-figures to him because he never knew his own father. His mother told the three boys that their father had been shot in a baroom brawl He later found out that this was untrue from his brother John,who found out through the Masons. You came from noble stock !!! mom
  3. I don't believe any post said that any technique would solve the problem 100%. It is obvious that it will be incremental, and no one can know if it is too late regardless of the efforts. However, efforts...moving forward..."doing better" is what sets us apart from the apes. To be human is to try to move forward. Fail. Get up and dust off. Try again. You know, "The Man in the Arena".
  4. Lots of the bottles had the original bottling plant city of origin stamped on the bottom. It was fun to get a bottle from a distant plant.
  5. I'm old enough to remember when there were no plastic bottles. Everything was returned, washed and reused. Kids would collect empty bottles and take them to the store to collect the 3 cent deposit. You could save up enough to buy a Sears guitar, or a cheap charm for your girlfriend's charm bracelet . I remember that "No deposit. No return" became a selling point. Bastards put us kids out of business! Moms would put the empty milk bottles on the porch for the milkman to take to the factory for reuse when they picked up their day's delivery. I remember Dad storing cases of Pearl bottles until time to make another trip to the bottler and load up for the next party. Yeah, Pearl. He was classy like that.
  6. I think a case could be made that these are the three most beautiful women in the history of ever. Striking, to me, is that Sophia Lauren is so far superior to the other two. The other two are world class. Sophia is out of this world.
  7. Recycling food containers is something I wonder about. The water I use to rinse out the container, at what point am I doing more damage by excessive water use than is gained by recycling a mayonnaise jar? You hit on electric vehicles. It bugs me that people talk about electric vehicles as if they were charged by inexhaustible pixie dust. Power plants use resources and are messy. What's the balance?
  8. In fairness, it's tough to write a good cancer joke. I got this far: A priest a rabbi and a pathologist walk into a bar... I'm drawing a blank after that.
  9. More like The Hall of Shame.
  10. Doc prescribed various ED medications for me post surgery. I think it's mostly to make sure the pecker gets adequate blood supply to heal, not so much for intercourse. It's been over 10 years and I don't remember all the minutiae. I'm an old, I wasn't getting that much poon anyway. I know that sounds like the worst thing in the world, and I would prefer it to be otherwise, but in a way it's a relief to not be obsessed.
  11. Beer! Beer! For old Austin High! Bring on the whisky! Bring on the Rye! We never stumble! We never fall! We sober up on Wood alcohol!
  12. I haven't been to mc Donald's or Starbucks in years but I'm going tomorrow. Fuck you mouse torturing dickhead.
  13. its a series of tubes
  14. Word to the wise: If you bend over to tie your shoes, do a Kegel. If you otherwise bend, stoop, kneel, crouch, crawl, do a Kegel. If you sneeze do a Kegel. If you cough hard, do a Kegel. If you puke it's probably too late, cover up your wet pants. If you pick up a heavy bag of groceries, do a Kegel. I didn't find that photo of Bo Pelini particularly funny. If you wear light colored pants, wear a panty liner. Yes, I said it. Never pass up a toilet. If you think you need to piss, it's probably too late...never pass up a toilet. If you're getting on a plane, "dry out", no liquids before the flight. Airplane bathrooms are nasty. Get to know the rest stops on the highway...never pass up a toilet. This is all a huge pain in the ass, but my psa has been zero for the 10 years after surgery. There's more, but I need to go take a piss.
  15. Quote I heard some years ago regarding bladder control, "A dead man has no use for a dry pair of Levis."
  16. Yeah, it's probably a bitch to keep in tune, if it ever gets there. Still looks like nice work.
  17. I don't know who's best. I love all of 'em. But. This. This is from a composer. This makes me cry. Every time.
  18. Please give me suggestions on how to sell 6 60's and 70's era VW's. One would likely drive home with battery and maybe tires replaced. 3 would need battery, tires and some interior (the seats are removed but available). 2 are essentially parts cars. They are parked on some land I inherited.
  19. When I try to fast, my stomach says "What am I going to do with all this acid that I used to use for digesting stuff? Oh yeah, I'll just send it to your esophagus."
  20. Those Russian vessels look like Elon's pick up.
  21. Seems like the law of averages would even it out, but no. Every. Fucking. Pothole. Dead solid perfect. I don't even say anything anymore. Why dissuade a person at the top of their game?
  22. I gotta admit, I clicked for the bewbs. Glad I did. Don't miss the drum solo.
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