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Not that Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Not that Bob

  1. Speaking of Cotton Bowl...
  2. The Eyes of Texas played by The Longhorn Band. March Grandioso played by The Longhorn Band. Texas Fight played by The Longhorn Band. March of The Longhorns played by The Longhorn Band. Victory March played by The Longhorn Band. Wabash Cannonball played by The Longhorn Band, included because DKR. UT Cadence played at Alumni Band tempo. That's it. That's all you need.
  3. I think the designers code of ethics is "Form over function at all costs!" I called our last "designer" house a "Show Boat"...all show, no go. Some of the most impractical stuff you can imagine. Impractical. Delicate. Useless. I have to check myself to keep from shouting "How in the fuck did you think *that* was a good idea!!!??"
  4. I can only postulate that Latin stuck with me, although misspelled, because that I studied with my girlfriend. I suppose I did what I could to impress her hoping for a handy on the weekend. I also remember quid ficit muse which I think means "What'd the mouse do."
  5. I had to have 12 hrs of French to graduate. Through some miracle I passed 9 and only had to pass the last 3 the first half of my senior year. I took it with a friend who was much more language savvy than I. I did homework with him every night and essentially just wrote down the same thing he did. Not exactly copying, I tried to add what I could...who am I kidding? I copied all his work. He and I went to the prof to get our final grades. He made a B or something. Prof looks at me and says, "You made a C-. I hope you are not too disappointed." "Disappointed"? I say. "Ma'am (she was a cute female prof), I am ecstatic!" The part of my brain that learns language is dead. Same part of my brain that learns to read music. Dead. You guys speaking several languages amaze me. You might as well tell me to flap my arms and fly to Dallas as tell me to conjugate a verb...in any language. Well, maybe amo, amas, amat. Amare, amawe, amatus. Is that right?
  6. I that a dog on the sidewalk taking a shit?
  7. I got up this morning and couldn't wait to put on O Isis und Osiris sung by Ezio Pinza, the 1929 recording. It has become a bit of an ear worm, in a good way. I would never, in a million years, have known about this piece of music without John Aielli introducing me to it. So much of the music I listen to I found via his morning program. I'm pondering the huge influence this man, whom I never met, had on my life. My life and the lives of friends and family that I shared the music with. I remember with fondness the look on the face of a casual friend as he and I listened to this piece of music. A look of intense joy, appreciation and happiness while being introduced to this song. A look that said he "got it", just as I "got it" when John Aielli introduced me to it. Something to be grateful for.
  8. Stuck valve or broken timer. I love/hate water softeners.
  9. I have Jandy pumps. Don't remember number, but top of the line, variable speed, etc. Guy who put it in says don't worry if line gets plugged up because Jandy has a thermal cut off so they don't overheat and destroy themselves. Had a problem, pump got very hot and repair man says no, Jandy's do not have heat protection. Who is right?
  10. I know that you know you need to work with your physician on fluid and electrolytes. In addition, consider getting a badass cane for stability. Maybe a Bat Masterson with sterling silver head, or gold if you really want to strut. I always thought a shillelagh would be cool.
  11. Dude, treat yourself. Life is short.
  12. Sometimes I say, "You do know I can't hear that voice in your head, right?" I only say that sometimes because the tone stare sort of ruins the day for me.
  13. Every day that I wake up not dead is the best day of my life. I guess you can call that an Annus Mirabilius but I'm not sure. I'm probably not going to accomplish much more than that.
  14. What is this "Austin" you speak of?
  15. We now accept gotchas' and acerbic one liners as news.
  16. SIAP. Can the ooni be used for steaks, like a salamander? Definitely want to get an Otto Gril, but if I can save space that would be nice.
  17. I tossed about a dozen hard drives from the office into a cardboard box and drizzled a gallon of Elmers over the whole pile.
  18. Metamucil, Miralax, and fucking Reglan? Brother, that is a cocktail from hell! It's amazing you have any safe days. God bless.
  19. How does one heat 75 lbs of lye to 300 degrees? Asking for a friend.
  20. My foot is already tired and it hasn't done any good yet.
  21. Over a lifetime I have built up a pretty nice collection of guitars. When discussing passing them on to my son he said, "I don't want them. I'll try to sell them or just throw them away". I was stunned. On the other hand, I'm a sentimental old fool. It is a burden. I don't ever play it, but damned if I will sell my 1961 Duo Sonic. It's a burden.
  22. If anyone is still interested. She wears it. Was not ecstatic when I gave it to her, but she can be droll. It's pretty soft, as would be expected, and has to be bent slightly for her to get it on her wrist so I worry about metal fatigue/breakage. At least we have another oz. in the house, so I'm happy enough with that.
  23. Please make some hot weather suggestions. I like pinpoint but damned if I'm going to wear it in 105. What brands of polos keep their shape and are not heavy? I've looked for "warm weather sport coats", but none of them look "cool" to me. Casual. I'm not dressing up in this heat.
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