...unlike most people...like me. Playing guitar is hard. Not so much the actual act of playing, which is difficult enough, but the act of keeping up with it. I used to be okay, then job and marriage and kids and life got in the way. So I put it down. I put it down for years thinking that some day, some day I'd pick it back up. So the kids grew up. The wife didn't want so much of my time. I picked it back up. Dammit!! My fingers won't do what my mind is telling them to do. All that muscle memory, gone. All those song structures, gone. All that hand strength, gone. But I soldiered on. It started coming back. Then my mother got sick and needed lots of care, and my time. Well, she died and I took guitar back up, but damn, no strength. No callouses. Start from the beginning. Then Dad got sick and needed lots of care, and my time, and...
The point of my whining tirade is that guitar must be kept up. You have to play, at least a little, every day. It takes two weeks to get callouses. It takes two days for them to go away. You gotta really want it. Some days I want it. Some days...I'm too busy and lose everything...again. Playing guitar is hard.