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Everything posted by Brandywine

  1. I like the idea of getting back to the books. It seems every time a new Bond is chosen they want to go back to the books and they want to go back to the Connery Bond. I'm all in on that.
  2. It was one of the greatest series I’ve ever seen. Brilliant!
  3. It’d be nice if it happens. Hard to beat any team twice in one year.
  4. I like Nolan but not for Bond. As someone said, he’ll make it confusing, and I think, probably go overboard with special effects.
  5. Just finished all episodes. It was pretty good overall, it ran out of gas the last 2 seasons. By the time it was over I was ready. It felt like they ran out of ideas and needed to wrap it up.
  6. Lauren is the best and brightest of 300,000 people in her district.
  7. I just don’t get it. What has happened to these people?
  8. Not as good as the last 2 seasons but I still love it.
  9. I knew it! I picked 35-24, Texas!!!! 😁
  10. That announcer should just SHUT UP!!!
  11. My comments were being unfair to the team and to Quinn. It was a miserable afternoon with 164 degree temp on the turf. And over 100,000 attendance. Maybe that’s the best conditions to prepare for next week.
  12. I meant the TCU game, Colorado and Shadeur really impressed yesterday. And Hunter was on fire.
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